A series of publications about the sculptures of the Principality found its continuation in the Jardin Exotique. In the shadows of succulent plants and giant palm trees, HelloMonaco discovered a dozen of amazing sculptures belonging to different styles. Each individual architectural “miracle” was created by famous artists from all over the world. In the lush surroundings of the Exotic Garden of Monaco the most fascinating masterpieces were placed, which were presented by the UNESCO International Association of Arts within the framework of the exhibition “When Sculptures Bloom” from September 7 to November 5. Are you ready to begin our journey? Then “let’s go”!

Right at the entrance to the Exotic Garden you will find mirrors. By coming a little closer there comes an understanding that these mirrors are the main component of the tree trunk. This sculpture is called “Burnt trees” (Les arbres brûlês). It was made by the famous Monegasque expressionist painter Philippe Pastor, who is the son of Victor Pastor, a well-known businessman in real estate. The whole world from Europe to the Africa and the United States saw the creations of Philippe saw. It is important to note that the main thematic line of the artist is the synergy of human with nature in the modern virtual world.

On the left side of the Pastor’s sculpture, it’s hard to miss the statue, allegorically conveying the image of the human body with the fox head. The name of this amusing sculpture is “Lawyer” (L’Avocat), performed by the Iranian surrealist Paris Ravan. Its romantic style resembles a magical atmosphere and the fact that every piece of art has its own history. An interesting fact is that, before plunging into creativity, Pari Ravan worked as a psychiatrist and even as an airline pilot. Today the sculptor lives and works on the Cote d’Azur.

Going deeper into the park, on the right side of the central terrace, pay attention to the one and a half meter sculpture, which consists of 5 interwoven transparent hearts from plexiglass. Cristina Marques named her creation “Brotherhood of Nations”.

Directly in front of the hearts, it’s impossible not to notice the giant metallic blue butterfly. Each detail of this masterpiece resembles elements of a complex mechanism. This futuristic vision of nature was demonstrated by CHENO, calling its masterpiece a “Blue Butterfly”.

You will obviously notice the responses of capitalism on the second terrace on the right side from the central alley. The huge sign of the euro in a triangular marble slab is a sculpture of the Italian artist Giacinto Formentini. “Attracting seed of the evil fruit” (“Semance magnétique de fruit maléfique”), this original name was given to the masterpiece. The artist himself is the pioneer of many cultural initiatives, including 3 international Biennale Art Editions and 20 thematic exhibitions in different European countries.

Well-known Croatian artist Ana Tsarev, shows what happens when the sculpture blossoms. So, on one of the gardens alleys she presented her miniature creation “Peace Aquamarine”, incredibly beautiful lotus flower in a memorable electric blue color. Moreover, Ana became the initiator of many expositions in Monaco, including “Ocean Why?”, which was held from September 26 to 30 at the Naval Museum in Fontvieille.

“Marguerite mystique” can be found in the shade of cactus on the central avenue of the Exotic Garden. Creation looks as if a flower breaks straight from the trunk of a tree. Such a magical “plot” was coined by the artist Hirvonen Tuula.

“No matter what” (“En ver et contre tout”) – the next amusing sculpture of Louis Louis Charlie. In its form, it resembles nothing less than a child’s rocking horse, which is decorated with an author’s drawing.

An incredible mother-of-pearl miracle, located directly on the central flower bed, is a masterpiece called “Eternity” from the Polish artist Ania Pabi Gullum. Sculptor, ceramist and artist, Anya creates very symbolic sculptures, in which sometimes uses small jewelry. Her works have been seen at numerous exhibitions in Monaco, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, China and Japan.

“Dog Day” by Lippi Michel is an intriguing bronze sculpture of a man with a bare chest. The French sculptor in most cases works with bronze, depicting the silhouettes of women.

The stone outlines of women seem to speak of a friendly alliance. “Madeleine and Sophie” – so Thiel Wolf (Thiele Wolf) called his work of art. The sculptor knows well how even a stone can be made brittle and elegant, apparently, this was the main goal when creating a sculpture, the femininity!

Closes our list of sculptures by a ceramic artist from Monaco, Laurent Lasurs. In an exotic garden, he presented his creation called “Plants”, which really reminds pots with cactuses. This composition looks very unusual, at times you seem to be lost, a real plant or not. After all, it is so organically merged with the already existing flowerbed. There are so amusing and creative – the sculptures of Jardin Exotique in Monaco.