A Dose of Justice for a Partygoer tempted to sniff a dose of cocaine
There is a zero tolerance for drugs in the Principality. So when a chauffeur was approached to buy a dose of cocaine for an alleged 20 euros he would have been wise to decline. Instead, he was tempted to experiment in a nearby night club on the seafront. The next poor judgement call he made exacerbated his offense; he shared the cocaine with a friend and invited him to party. They knew of a washroom without video surveillance and set about partying and sniffing. They were immediately reported to the police and ended up in Court. Zero tolerance is exactly what the Court meted out. The excuse of “just a party” did not wash! The instigator of the two received the stiffest fine of 800 euros, exactly as recommended by the Prosecution. His partner in the offense received a 500 euro fine.

An Out of Control Mastiff Savages A Little Dog and then Turns on its Stricken Owner
The Dogue of Bordeaux is a large French mastiff one of the oldest of the French dog breeds; it is a very powerful dog, with a very muscular body. Not easy to be confronted by one if you are of the gentler sex and are escorting your own little puppy for a morning walk. This breed has historically guarded the castles of the European elite so you can imagine it made swift work of the little dog it crossed that morning before its Scandinavian owner could intervene to control it. The little dog died from the incident. Worse, the lady who tried to save her little dog was also bitten and then fell to the ground in the melee. The Court was clear that the responsibility is on the owner of a dog to keep it under control. The owner of the attacked puppy was not responsible to take evasive action and escape to the opposite pavement- even if she could. However the Court was lenient on the Scandinavian lady who owned the mastiff and who was not fast enough to restrain him – in the way she said she usually did by pulling his ears. She just couldn’t react fast enough. The Prosecution’s recommendation for a 3.000 euro fine was halved to 1.500 euros, though still a hefty fine. There was an additional provision of 1000 euros set aside in anticipation of the damages from the victim’s fall; the exact claim for damages would require a professional expert’s assessment.