87 artists from 8 different countries took part in the 8th Monaco Artists Open by creating multi-faceted works of art revolving around the theme ‘Borders: the limit as thickness’. Thirty works were selected by the jury to create an exhibition which took place over the month of March and the prize winners were announced at the end of the exhibition.

A popular contest this year, with members of the public having the opportunity to witness the visions and inspirations created by artists on the central theme. One painting in particular seduced the jury. This year, the 2018 Jury Prize was awarded to Korka Ndiaye for her work entitled ‘Le Rêve des Frontières’ (The Dream of Borders).

Daniel Boeri, Director of the Entrepôt Gallery, said that although there were other pieces about police stops and border checks, Korka Ndiaye’s piece was the one with the most emotion. At the bottom there are two hands, we don’t know if they will tear everything apart or embrace the passengers in the oncoming vehicle. The new artist is from Senegal, she works in Senegal and lives in Senegal and the painting gave the Monegasque public and the jury a lot of pleasure, because it describes a very human vision about immigration.

The jury also awarded a special mention to two artists: Marc Lavalle, for his piece created with charcoal that deals with repression. He portrayed a fence with wheat behind it. All at once, it gives a perspective of happiness with a sombre feeling, in black and white. Sad, beautiful and hopeful all at the same time.
Valetudo Collective also obtained the jury’s attention for ‘Van Gogh’s Room, Bars and Horizon’. The collective truly played with, described and presented Van Gogh behind his prison and within his psychiatric hospital cell. He was an enormous creator and they represented that with their piece.

The People’s Choice Prize was awarded to Christophe Ausello for his painting ‘No Limits’. The artist also won the opportunity for some visibility, because his piece will be featured on the next cover of Monaco Telecom’s white pages.