It was the biggest disappointment of the season for the team. Team of Zvezdan Mitrovic was so eager to get victory this year and it seemed that they were ready to do so. And they really put a lot of efforts and energy in this desire. But the Monegasques didn’t manage to beat the current champion team ASVEL.
First quarter Roca Team lost to ASVEL but with the smallest point difference 18-20. Everything was still possible. And the second quarter only proved that. The Monegasque disappointed with their loss in the first one, won this quarter 19-15. The following third and fourth quarters were even more intense than the previous ones. And they were just about to win, during the whole game they were so close. Third quarter Roca Team won again (19-17) but the fourth, the decisive one, wasn’t in favor of the Monegasques. Even more so, the team ASVEL managed to make the decisive drop to the basket of Roca team one second before the final whistle. So it seemed that Roca team was about to win but… the reality showed how it can all turn around in the basketball. And the fourth quarter was in favour of ASVEL (18-19).
«I would like to congratulate my guys. ASVEL was a tough opponent. And we left with very bad statistics after these games against ASVEL but we really did everything that we could. It will be unforgettable season for sure», – coach of Roca Team Zvezdan Mitrovic said.
“We were good, but we missed two good players. And regarding my arm, I think it might be broken. But during this match we did our best, and I think that intensity that has ASVEL team is a big advantage of their game which we didn’t manage to overplay”, – Amara Sy said sadly.