High Tech Wizardry Helps AS Monaco Players Choose Shoes to Improve Performance and Avoid Injury

Under the supervision of Sylvain Blanchard, Medical Director of AS Monaco, Academy players are tested to improve their knowledge of the importance of footwear depending on the surface of the pitch. Objective for the Performance department in search of excellence: to strengthen injury prevention and performance on the field.

At the municipal stadium of La Turbie, the Under 17s of AS Monaco keep busy with sprints and changes of pace: under the autumn sun, the Rouge et Blanc are stepping up their efforts. Once these practice sessions are finished, they then head to the edge of the field. 

Change of crampons. And the same exercises start again: races, sprints and changes of pace.

At the end of the session, the young footballers fill out a questionnaire to record their feelings on the pairs used. At the same time, a sensor placed on their ankles compiles data allowing medical staff to study the shocks and traumas that can be caused by terrain or crampons.

Zoning in on Optimal Shoes for Each Player and Terrain 

There are several factors to consider as young people move on very different terrain from week to week. The reflection extends to the choice of shoes as well as crampons. 

The goal is for them to be aware of what to wear depending on the type of terrain they are going to play on. 

All players have different body types and therefore need different shoes. All the data collected allows AS Monaco to have a better overview. The goal is to prevent injuries and improve comfort and performance.

There is even a robotic arm placed near the pitch equipped with a computer reproducing the movements (landing after a duel, resuming play, etc). AS Monaco is able to map the boots and crampons in order to classify them according to their characteristics with respect to the different types of terrain encountered. 

Today, organizations such as FIFA and World Rugby are looking more and more at the question of the surface of the pitches. Today’s footballers run faster, longer and at a higher intensity.

Already practiced on the U17s, these test sessions are also planned for the U19s and the group of N2. 

Whatever will give AS Monaco an edge is rapidly deployed. And that nowadays includes advances in the applied science of biomechanics and optimizing footwear. 


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