Recently two teams from the Women’s Sports of Monaco took part in the departmental championships of the Artistic Gymnastics Educational Circuits, a competition specifically for the youngest participants.
It represents a real starting point in the world of performance gymnastics, allowing trainers to observe their gymnasts and evaluate their progress. Beyond its playful allure, the competition is of great importance since its participants represent the sports future.

During the competition, the departmental clubs were measured against each other in the following categories: Sissone, Arabesque and Cabriole, representing three distinct performance levels.
An excellent result
In the arabesque category, the team comprised of Rebecca Casula, Charlotte McNish, Luna Guerra, Tess Fabre, Manon Durand managed to land on 3rd place. A result which validates all the hard work and effort put in; the young gymnasts performed all their routines without any mistakes.
With a total of 220.961 points, they finished only four points behind second place, proving they are ready for the regional championships taking place at the end of May.

3rd placed team in the “Circuits Educatif – Arabesque”
Held at Drap gymnasium Saturday 25th March
It is worth noting that, individually, Rebecca Casula and Charlotte McNish obtained third and seventh place respectively.
In the Cabriole category, Christina Rosario, Katie Irvine, Eva Stokes, Kheyla Fouquet and Isia Cicero who were participating in their first competition, obtained a score of 186 points. A constructive experience for the youngest participants who now have but one wish: to get back to training to further refine their moves.
A special mention goes to Solana Moller for her impressive individual performance. In the end it was with great enthusiasm that the gymnasts represented their club. The team responsible for training these future athletes should also be congratulated.