It’s not all champagne and roses. But it can end that way. And by their example the Blue Marine Foundation have demonstrated the art of the possible in surviving a gruelling seven-day team ordeal. Like our Oceans this group of cyclists with big hearts endured tortures. In their case, tortuous upon tortuous hour cycling up mountain passes and across country.
Did we say country – that would be an understatement because they cycled through eight countries on their way to Monaco from London. These included England, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany – and, of course Monaco itself. It’s all in aid of saving the Oceans. By their efforts they are raising a huge amount of money, way over half a million pounds, to support ecological projects in and around the seas.

And the Automobile Club of Monaco has given them huge support. The last leg of the 1100 kilometre marathon – cycled over 7 days – was from Loano in Italy to Monaco. On this leg the Automobile Club of Monaco’s flag flew high profile with their three cyclists Romaine Pugliese, Corentin Debort and Thierry Boutsen. Of course, Thierry is just as comfortable, if not more, in a Formula 1 racing car. In his career of racing in 164 Grand Prix he won three races, achieved 15 podiums and scored 132 career points.
Not resting on his laurels, he put himself through his paces on the final leg, cycling to Monaco – and in so doing played his part in saving the Oceans. So all’s well that ends well and we hope the same goes for the Oceans after the incredible wave of awareness campaigns launched by the Principality – not to mention the humungous personal efforts in every event. Every sponsor, every person giving their time are making the difference in the fight for healthier Oceans. Listed in the Press as deserving projects that will benefit from the Blue Marine Foundation whose Head is Clare Brook are:
• four key projects on Isle Ascension in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean;
• projects in Saint-Helene where Napoleon spent the last six years of his life after his defeat at Waterloo;
• responsible fishing off the South coast of England to conserve the Ocean’s fish resources.

Prince Albert posed with the cyclists at the Palace in recognition of their efforts. Yes, and champagne did flow in the end. Nothing like adding a royal touch to their celebrations after all that sweat and toil!