Prince Albert I commemoration committees established
The Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee and the Albert I – 2022 Executive Committee were established by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince at a ceremony in the Oceanographic Museum attended by the Minister of State and a number of other personalities.
Created by Sovereign Ordinance No. 7.253 of 14 December 2018, the Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee has been tasked with researching and organising scheduled events to celebrate the life and work of Prince Albert I. These events will be held between 2019, which marks 100 years since the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) was founded, and 2022, the centenary of the Prince’s death.

Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr Robert Fillon, the Executive Committee will work to implement the programme and stage the events.
In his speech, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince stated: “I have no doubt that a successful celebration of the work of Prince Albert I must necessarily reflect the nature of that work: varied in both form and content. Such a celebration must speak to a range of audiences: the academic world, those with an interest in the history of science, international relations and the pacifist movement, and anyone who is interested in the Principality in one way or another, not to mention students and pupils in our own schools. Naturally, I expect that they will draw on the latest techniques for producing and sharing information, without neglecting traditional media where these are the best tools for the job.” (Source:

Suite Prince Rainier III at Hotel de Paris inaugurated by his son
The Princess Grace suite at Hotel de Paris, the pearl in the crown of the four year renovation, has a companion. It is the ultimate royal finishing touch to this regal hotel – a suite baptized with the name Prince Rainier III. This glorious and immense 600 square metre suite towers above Casino square with sweeping views of the Mediterranean. Who has the stature to inaugurate this honour to Prince Rainier. It can be none other than his son Prince Albert II accompanied by Princess Stephanie. Children honouring their father with the finest suite in the Principality with the finest position in the Principality – Casino square and Salle Garnier paying tribute from below. The bright internal decor of the expansive contemporary apartment, accentuated with touches of light blue, is softened with possessions of Prince Rainier: photos, portraits and sculptures; even some favourites in cast iron.

Prince Albert attends Inauguration at CHPG
On Wednesday 30 January, HSH the Sovereign Prince attended an inauguration for the CHPG’s new laboratory and new Blood Transfusion Centre. The new laboratory, which hosts more than 100 patients per day, now extends over 200 m2, almost twice as big as the former biological sampling site.
The newly renovated Blood Transfusion Centre, which is at the same location (on level -1) is now, after many months of work, a space dedicated to blood donation. The new space is clear, bright and can accommodate the 1,200 annual donors in its 500 m2 space.
For the inauguration, Prince Albert was accompanied by Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, André Garino, President of the Board of Directors of the Princess Grace Hospital and Director Benoîte de Sevelinges.

Princess Caroline attends Nursing Education Institute’s 90th Anniversary
HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover attended the Nursing Education Institute’s 90th anniversary celebrations at the Rainier III Auditorium. Nearly 450 people came together for the anniversary, which featured a retrospective in pictures of the Institute’s history, a parade with the various nursing outfits recreated especially for the occasion, a philosophical conference with Eric Fiat and Walter Hesbeen, a performance by a nurse anesthetist and comedian Hassan Moufki and an exhibition.

Throughout its history, the Institute has benefited from the support of the Princely Family. Princess Charlotte followed the Monegasque school’s activities attentively. Princess Grace, in turn, was attached to the institution, its teachers and its students. Today, HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover, patron of the Institute since 2009, hands over the graduation diplomas every year.

“It is by preserving the spirit of dedication of Princess Charlotte and the benevolent attention of the members of the Princely Family who have succeeded her that the IFSI can resolutely continue its mission and prepare for the future,” said Didier Gamerdinger in his speech.

Since its creation by the Sovereign Ordinance in 1929, the Nursing Education Institute has been teaching future nurses the professional techniques needed for their careers as well as how to bring a human presence to patients, which is indispensable to hospital care.