#BecausetheOcean: Prince Albert attends COP26 in Scotland
On the opening day of COP26, the #BecausetheOcean initiative, supported by partners including the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Ministry of External Relations of Chile, launched its third declaration. During the big event, Prince Albert II highlighted the essential role the ocean plays in climate regulation and referenced the impacts on marine life caused by warming ocean waters, changes in ocean currents and ocean acidification. The Prince also spoke about the effects of sea level rise on coastal environments and the growing number of ocean-related extreme weather events. The Sovereign said that we need to explore the role of the ocean fully, increase our knowledge of it and take greater account of ocean issues at all UN negotiations. The Because the Ocean Initiative was first launched by 23 countries at COP21 in Paris in November 2015.
Princely Family trip to Europa Park: Prince Albert II, Jacques and Gabriella visit Germany
Prince Albert II and his twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, went on a family trip to Europa Park, the largest theme park in Germany. Before embarking on a trip to Glasgow, the Princely Family made a pitstop to the second most popular theme park in Europe, after Disneyland Paris. The twins were able to take advantage of their school holiday time in the small town of Rust. Jacques and Gabriella tried plate-spinning, watched shows and meet Ed Euromaus, the park’s mascot. Prince Albert II didn’t want to leave the twins alone during his trip to the COP26 in Glasgow, so the twins visited museums and places of interest while Prince Albert II attended the conferences. Princess Charlene is expected to return to Monaco before National Day celebrations.
Prince Albert II addresses World Leaders Summit
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco addressed the World Leaders summit on Tuesday 2 November. The Prince expressed his regret that the world is not achieving the commitments made in the Paris Agreement. The Sovereign also said that he remains hopeful about our capacity for collective action and that there is still time to limit global warming to 1.5°C, a threshold which was shown by the IPCC as the Earth’s limit. There is still time to develop other energy models, which is the only way to guarantee our common future, the Prince said in his speech.
The Sovereign Prince had an optimistic tone, saying that solutions which protect nature and bring progress to humanity do exist and we must develop them together.
Robert Redford attends 14th Planetary Health Awards
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation held its 14th annual Planetary Health Awards ceremony in the Salle des Princes at the Grimaldi Forum on Friday 29 October. Since 2008, the awards in the categories of Water, Biodiversity and Climate Change have paid tribute to leading figures and organizations for their deep commitment to preserving our planet. The ceremony was followed by presenting grants to IPCC students for their research on climate change and living soils.

«I am particularly happy to be with you tonight to participate in an event that we have long awaited for with great hopes», stated H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco during His opening speech to introduce the 14th annual Planetary Health Awards ceremony by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (FPA2), held at the Salles des Princes – Grimaldi Forum on Friday the 29th October 2021 as the core of the Foundation’s 15th Anniversary.

In honour of the 15th Anniversary of The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the night closed with an exclusive environmental-themed performance of “The Way Of The Rain – Hope for Earth” by Sibylle Szaggars Redford, with a special appearance by Robert Redford. This year’s awards went to: Autumn Peltier, Clean Water Activist (2021 Water Award); GreenWave represented by co-founder Bren Smith (2021 Climate Change Award); IPBES represented by Dr. Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary (2021 Biodiversity Award).