Prince Albert lends Throne to Beijing Exhibition

A different kind of moving day took place in Monaco’s Princely throne room before opening hours. A dozen pieces left the Palace and headed towards China for an unprecedented exhibition entitled ‘Princes and Princesses of Monaco, a European dynasty’. The exhibition will trace the 700 year history of the oldest European dynasty, present on the Rock since 1297.
The First “Stone” of the New Portier Eco-Quarter has been Laid
The Principality’s most innovative construction project of the decade “Anse du Portier“, namely that of expanding the borders of Monaco by 6 hectares of sea, has moved on to the next stage. It has been excitedly awaited and is scheduled to be completed by 2025.
Sports: Monaco wins Gold in Swimming & Pétanque

Monaco won the Europétanque 2018 after a fierce competition. Romain Fournie’s champion team was surprisingly beaten in the final by Eric Motté’s Monegasque trio. A trio of friends, representing the Principality of Monaco versus a strong trio led by Lyonnais Romain Fournié, previous French champions.
AS Monaco’s Lisa Pou became the European junior champion with a superb performance in the 10 km open water Swimming competition.
Kylian Mbappe: Monaco’s Star Trainee and World Champion

Russian stadiums started to cool after heated football games, as the FIFA World Cup came to an end. This year, the French team won the title after having defeated Croatia. In their country, France’s football players were welcomed as national heroes with more than half a million supporters gathered on the Champs-Elysees, reception in the president’s residence and the Order of the Legion of Honor for each player…France has long waited for an opportunity to celebrate the victory in the World Cup. This is the second title for France. The first victory of the French team dates back to 1998. Actually, two major events marked this year: the first World champion title and the birth of the future football star Kylian Mbappe. Back then, hardly anyone could expect that almost 20 years later the young forward would help France seal the second victory in the tournament. After the World Cup 2018, there’s only one question hanging in the air: who is Kylian Mbappe?
Radiant Beauty, Miss Côte D’azur, Takes Aim at Miss France 2019

Miss Côte d’Azur 2018 is the golden ticket to the ultimate prize Miss France. The winner automatically gains entry to Miss France 2019 which is why 700 spectators rushed to the parade in Cogolin in the Var to glimpse the lucky winner. Would they get an early peek at Miss France 2019? They were certainly going to be entertained by sixteen very beautiful ladies competing using every ounce of charm and elegance at their disposal.
Lily Safra – Riches and Humanitarian Causes beyond Imagination

Lily Safra who is extraordinary in so many ways is a Brazilian national and a Monegasque citizen who is a Forbes listed billionaire. She has led one of the most interesting and colourful lives on our planet. It is an amazing life full of firsts and full of humanitarian and charitable activities. This splendid tapestry includes four marriages and amassing fortunes in terms of hundreds of millions if not billions of euros. One could say all the more extraordinary for a young girl not born into a wealthy family.
Monaco’s Top 10 Business Billionaires. Welcome to Three Commas Monaco Club

Hello Monaco starts a series of publications about the famous Monaco residents. In today’s issue, read about the most successful businessmen whose fortune exceeds billions of dollars.
Monaco’s tribute Stamp to Nelson Mandela

Stéfanie van Zyl, a South African artist now established in the Principality, designed the new stamp in honour of Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday. As a South African, Stefanie van Zyl met and bonded with Princess Charlene during an exhibition in 2012 in Monte Carlo. Stefanie van Zyl then created a portrait of Princess Charlene which was chosen for the first Monegasque stamp featuring the princess. The stamp office of the Principality recently issued 45,000 copies of the new Nelson Mandela stamp in tribute to the first black president elected in South Africa.

What’s that smell on Condamine and Fontvieille?

On the streets of La Condamine, people are catching whiffs of an unpleasant aroma and wondering where it’s coming from. Turns out the culprit is the new lawn at the Louis II stadium. Organic matter from composted plants has been used to fertilize the grass. Guess it could be worse.
New atmosphere for Casino Games

To attract a new clientele, the SBM and the Sun Casino teams chose to install gaming tables at Blue Gin and Nikki Beach in novel locations. The plan is to install three gaming tables on the terrace of the Blue Gin bar, from 2 to 25 August. Other games, including poker tables, will also be installed around the Nikki Beach pool on 5, 6 and 7 August. Relocating casino gaming tables to attract a new and fun clientele, who may not be fond of classic casino rooms, is a novel way to reach a different audience. Roulette and black jack tables positioned in places where people sip cocktails while listening to DJs. This will be a first in the history of the games.