An essential cultural institution in the Principality, the Monaco Media Library unveiled its packed program for the end of 2018. The rich program is filled with many events, including several novelty events, around the themes of literature, music, cinema and photography.
Highlights include four conferences about the theme “Monaco – 1918-1919, on the way to peace” by Jean-Claude Volpi, “La cuisine blanche: Heritage of the Roya Valley” by Valentina Florio, “Philosophy of food” by Christiane Brych and, finally, “Orient Showcase: saga of a family” by Camille Tarazi.
Live concerts are also on the program, including: the Philippe Loli Quartet and their repertoire of bossa nova, jazz and classical guitar; “Jacques Brel, mieux vaut être triste que c…” with readings by Stéphane Loisy followed by a concert by Bruno Brel, the artist’s nephew; LEEPS who will play 70’s standards and alternative rock as well as the Yuna Project who will perform hip hop.

The highlight of the end of the year will be the “Journée du Livre Gourmand: words and food”, organized on Saturday 24 November, from 10am to 7pm at the Princess Grace Theatre. An event combining cuisine and literature that will bring chefs, writers, journalists, philosophers and artists together to highlight culinary art in its most varied forms and its place in books. Meetings, demonstrations, tastings, children’s workshops and a photography exhibition are all on the menu for this day.
Monaco Media Library regulars will also be meeting until December during the usual appointments: Photography classes, Picnic Music, Cine-club and Writing break.
As a reminder, the Monaco Media Library is open to all and meets the missions of public reading, culture and leisure. It hosts events throughout the year on its three sites: 8 rue Louis Notari (Library Louis Notari), 19 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte (Sonothèque-Video Library José Notari and L’Helios) and 3 Promenade Honoré II (Regional Fund) first choice for cultural appointments. The library has nearly 450,000 documents: books, DVDs, CDs, French and foreign newspapers, magazines, photographs, correspondences, musical scores.
The 2018 year-end program is available online at and

- Words Aperitif: Monday 15 October from 6 pm to 8 pm – Library Louis Notari. Given by Eric Lafitte
- Ciné-Club: Wednesday 17 October at 7 pm – Louis Notari Library. “One, Two, Three” by Billy Wilder, presented by Yves Gasiglia
- Digital rendez-vous: Monday 22 October at 1 pm – Louis Notari Library. Demonstration of the Media Library’s new website and its features
- Photography class: Monday 22 October at 6:30 pm – Louis Notari Library. Photography class taught by Adrien Rebaudo
- Picnic Music: Tuesday 23 October at 12:15 pm – José Notari. B.B. King Live Sound Library
- Concert: Wednesday 24 October at 7pm – Louis Notari Library. Jacques Brel, mieux vaut être triste que c… (Lecture: Stéphane Loisy / Concert: Bruno Brel)
- Writing break: Monday 5 November at 3 pm – Louis Notari Library. Writing break by Eric Lafitte
- Picnic Music: Tuesday 6 November at 12:15 pm – Sonothèque José Notari. Siouxsie and the Banshees, Royal Albert Hall 1983
- Ciné pop-corn: Wednesday 7 November at 7pm – José Notari Sound Library. “Chef” by John Favreau
- Conference: Thursday 8 November at 6 pm – Louis Notari Library. “La cuisine blanche: heritage of the Roya Valley” by Valentina Florio
- Photography classes: Monday 12 November at 6:30 pm – Louis Notari Library. Photography class taught by Adrien Rebaudo
- Concert: Friday 16 November at 7pm – José Notari LEEPS sound library. 70s and alternative rock standards
- Picnic Music: Tuesday 20 November at 12:15 pm – José Notari Sound Library. David Bowie – Precious & beautiful
- Conference: Wednesday 21 November at 6 pm – Library Louis Notari. “Philosophy of Food” by Christiane Brych, followed by the screening of “The Feast of Babette” by Gabriel Axel
- Event: Saturday 24 November from 10am to 7pm – Princess Grace Theatre. “Gourmet Book Day: Words and Food”
- Photography class: Monday 26 November at 6:30 pm – Louis Notari Library. Photography class taught by Adrien Rebaudo
- Concert: Friday 30 November at 7pm – Louis Notari Yuna Project Library. Hip hop

- Writing break: Monday 3 December at 3 pm – Louis Notari Library. Writing break given by Eric Lafitte
- Picnic Music: Tuesday 4 December at 12:15 pm – José Notari Sound Library. The Doors – Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970
- Conference: Tuesday 4 December 4 at 6 pm – Library Louis Notari. “Showcase of the Orient: saga of a family” by Camille Tarazi
- Ciné-Club: Wednesday 5 December at 7 pm – Louis Notari Library. “Mia Madre” by Nanni Moretti, presented by Hugo Pascault
- Author Tribute: Monday 10 December at 6 pm – Library Louis Notari. Meeting with Carole Martinez
- Photography class: Monday 17 December at 6:30 pm – Louis Notari Library Photography class taught by Adrien Rebaudo
- Picnic Music: Tuesday 18 December at 12:15 pm – José Notari Sound Library. AC / DC – Live at Donington 1991