The Monaco Economic Board (MEB) celebrated its 20th anniversary with a cocktail event attended by Prince Albert II, which was held after the Annual General Meeting, at Monaco’s Yacht Club in March. During the meeting, members approved an amendment which will widen the scope of the association’s actions, with Guillaume Rose as the new Chief Executive Officer.
During the General Meeting, members approved an amendment to create a Chief Executive Officer position, which will boost the MEB’s role as a coordinator of promotional operations abroad. The mission, first entrusted to the MEB by the Minister of State in 2016, now has an added dimension with the new position given to Guillaume Rose and will make use of Tourism and Convention Authority offices abroad.

Over 50 events were organized or jointly organized by the MEB in 2018. Flagship events included Trade Missions abroad to Stockholm, as well as accompanying HSH the Sovereign Prince to Beijing and Dubai. At home in the Principality, the MEB hosted several foreign delegations, organized a number of high-level talks, as well as the popular ‘Members Rendezvous’. For MEB members these are all excellent opportunities to talk business while also promoting the Principality.
The 2019 program is already in full swing and after a recently successful Trade Mission to India accompanying HSH Prince Albert II, other trips are planned to Vienna (13-15 May) and Bucharest (5-7 November). Talks, visits by foreign delegations and more networking events are also on the agenda.

As the AGM drew to a close, Chairman Michel Dotta presented Guillaume Rose with a tie to symbolically welcome a man he described as a high-level professional and international expert. Minister of State Serge Telle then took to the podium to congratulate Michel Dotta and welcome Guillaume Rose.
The 20th anniversary cocktail party, attended by HSH Prince Albert II, then took place in the Yacht Club’s prestigious Ballroom. Over 400 guests were in attendance and were shown a short film which looked back at what has been accomplished over the last 20 years, including 520 operations in over 40 countries.
To conclude the celebrations, Michel Dotta introduced two brand new promotional films by the MEB that highlight what is special about Monaco: its people; and thanked HSH Prince Albert II who took part in one of the films, entitled: ‘the Prince with a heart, the Prince of our hearts’.