On 14 November, H.E. Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Monegasque Ambassador to Germany, accompanied by First Counsellor Mr Lorenzo Ravano, visited Düsseldorf for the opening of the new Monaco Consulate in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The Ambassador was invited by Mr Bernhard Johannes Stempfle, who was appointed Monaco’s Honorary Consul in Düsseldorf on 6 July 2018.
In her speech, H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï highlighted the close and longstanding economic, cultural, sporting and tourism ties between North Rhine-Westphalia, the city of Düsseldorf and the Principality of Monaco. “The Honorary Consulate is particularly well-placed to support the development of relations between this important part of Germany and the Principality of Monaco, and to promote and strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation,” she emphasised.
The official opening of the Consulate was attended by Düsseldorf’s accredited consular corps and many local and regional personalities.
New Members appointed to the High Council of the Judiciary
Under the presidency of Laurent Anselmi, Director of Judicial Services, new members of the High Council of the Judiciary were recently appointed, by Sovereign Ordinance No. 6.935 from the15th of May 2018.
The High Council of the Judiciary mainly exercises its powers in the management of the careers of judges and in disciplinary matters. Members may also be consulted by the Prince on any question relating to the organization and functioning of the justice system.
Monegasque Ambassador visits Rostov-on-Don, Russia
On 12 November 2018, Mireille Pettiti, the Principality of Monaco’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, visited Rostov-on-Don to make preparations for the cultural and economic events to be held in the city in 2019. The Governor of the Rostov Region, Vasily Golubev, received the Ambassador to discuss some of these projects, including a visit by the Monaco Economic Board mission in September 2019, the presentation of the “Monaco, Artists’ Stories” exhibition, and the Principality’s participation in the Rostov Film Festival.

Rostov-on-Don is an economic, industrial and scientific centre with a population of more than 1.1 million. It is the capital of Russia’s Southern Federal District. Andrei Myshkovets has represented the Principality of Monaco as Honorary Consul in the city since January 2015.
Minister of State presents Workers’ Medals
Minister of State, Serge Telle, presented the Workers’ Medals on Thursday 15 November at the Oceanographic Museum.

In a magnificent setting, the Minister of State honoured the hard-work, engagement, talent and energy that local workers carry out every day. The ceremony was an homage to people who have worked hard for 20, 25, 30 years and continue to make the Principality what it is today.

In his speech, Serge Telle described the precious quality long-term workers have, which is a capacity to evolve. He commended those working in fields that are important to the Principality: sustainable development and the economy. In the name of HSH Prince Albert II and all the Principality, the minister of State closed by expressing gratitude and sincerely congratulating the workers before they received their medals.

Minister of State presents CHPG Medals of Honour
On Friday 16 November, Minister of State, Serge Telle, presented the Medals of Honour for Public Institutions to CHPG workers at the Oceanographic Museum. With his arm in a sling due to a recent elbow operation, the Minister of State attested to the exceptional quality of care at the CHPG from personal experience and thanked everyone who contributed to his own personal health care. Representing the entire government of the Principality, the Minister of State gave out the medals of honour to those who have worked for 20, 25 and 30 years at the CHPG.

In his speech, Serge Telle described the CHPG is an indispensable and essential element in the quality of life for the entire population of the Principality, not only for Monegasques and residents, but for the surrounding area. The hospital draws 60-70% of its patients from outside the borders of the Principality, which is something to be proud of and proves the excellence of the work that is conducted at the hospital.

The CHPG is a national and international reference of quality and Serge Telle wanted to honour all those who work for the CHPG. Some of the positions may not be properly recognized every day or may be taken for granted, so he wanted to say that the Princely government wishes to make a significant effort to promote the respect of all hospital workers. He went on to list the measures (budgetary and otherwise) the government are undertaking to recognize the work by those at the hospital.

Source: en.gouv.mc