After housing, the proof that the Conseil National have put their finger on the pulse of the Monegasque population came with the result of a poll by the independent French Institute BVA. And that pulse of 4000 responses says that the Quality of Life of the Principality is under threat by noise and congestion. These are subjects that have been serially debated but the Conseil National is determined to see action rather than debate. So they are raising the issues in a way that lifts any cloud of doubt on the views of the majority of Monegasques and the priorities to be addressed and specific remedies.
Two statistics are striking: 80% believe the Quality of Life is deteriorating. And a clear majority feel not enough is being done to counter this trend. Congestion and accessing the Principality by vehicle are bug-bears. 86% of respondents note access is more and more difficult. Proposals are for parking relays in Fontvieille and at the Jardin Exotique to remove traffic congestion and more free public parking spaces for Monegasques.
Free Bus Service, Maritime Shuttles and a Gondola
The Conseil National is pressing for Free Bus Service. They point to Dunkirk in France where bus use soared by almost two thirds and where almost half of the new passengers were those who had previously been drivers. The cost to do this for Monegasques and residents would be between three and three and a half million euros – with Stéphane Valeri jesting that that money represents two or three boxing matches sponsored by SBM.
In terms of general traffic the appearance of more traffic wardens on the streets easing the flow of traffic is to be expected. More maritime shuttles also are envisaged between Monaco, Nice and Menton and two thirds of respondents say they will use them. And there is more and more support for the envisaged gondola project.
Train Service
In terms of train service SNCF comes in for sharp criticism for its unreliability and lack of sufficient carriages.
Building Sites
A virtually consistent 75% to 90% response rate is telling. And that goes for:
– there are too many simultaneous building sites
– the noise is a serious problem
– the rules to reduce noise pollution are not respected
– more controls against noise pollution need to be made and the rules enforced.
What to do about it? Phase projects? Stéphane Valeri will visit the main sites as a matter of priority with Marie-Pierre Gramaglia. Let’s wait to hear from him on specifics. Actions count more than words has been Stéphane’s mantra. Monegasques are waiting!

Health Hazards
Popping up are concerns to be informed better with respect to monitoring of 5G electro-magnetic waves and quality of tap water.
Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Cleanliness in the streets of the Principality is much appreciated. And Prince Albert’s support this last March for a national plan for housing for Monegasques has clearly addressed the major issue that has consumed the Conseil National and the Monaco’s citizens for many months. All eyes and ears now onto the latest political rallying cry “Quality of Life”.
And fortunately and paradoxically the Principality’s attraction is so strong that maintaining its balance and Quality of Life will always require constant initiatives because of the number and activities of people living and working in Monaco.