“I keep fingers crossed for the new challenge of the Olympic Flame “Light Us” from Poland to Chile”, pointed out a few days ago Michał Kurtyka, president of COP24 (2018). The photovoltaic intelligent torch “Light Us”, in fact, has become a world symbol in combating climate change as a real Eco-Olympic flame at every edition of COP, always carried aboard by clean means of transport. Increasing eco-awareness among younger generations in Africa, Mediterranean basin and worldwide has been the main mission of the Mediterranean Intelligence and Public Affairs Institute (MIPAI), since 2016.

On the 27th September 2019 at the Prince’s Palace square in Monaco Ville, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, opened officially the eco-rally, reaffirming His support to this praiseworthy initiative, sponsored by His Foundation, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans abroad, Union for the Mediterranean and COP24 Presidency.
As in November 2018, an exclusive official ceremony was held in the presence of some race participants and esteemed guests.

“The opportunity to move in the right direction is tightening again in view of the next decade, maybe the last chance to change course with regard to greenhouse-gas emissions for maintaining a liveable situation for future generations”, highlighted H.E. Bernard Fautrier, Vice-President of Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

Ayoub Makhloufi, president of MIPAI, expressed his deep gratitude to the support of the Sovereign Prince who launched the eco-rally to Tangier through the Spanish territory.

The 4th edition of “Light Us”, kicked off in Poland on the 19th September, proves to be a more intriguing low-carbon interstate adventure from Europe to Santiago de Cile (South America), where COP25 will take place in December 2019. Not only electric cars and trains will be used as transportation means but also an iconic sailing boat, the “Regina Maris”, made available by “Sail To COP”, partner of the event.

The transatlantic crossing starting from Casablanca (Morocco) will gather around thirty volunteers from Morocco, Austria, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Finland and other nations. All crew members will push sustainable best practices and raise awareness on major threats concerning the Oceans, working on marine state of health via observations and researches to present a final report to global decision makers at COP25.

On the 15th November 2019, at their arrival in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) an electric bus will bring them first to Valparaiso (Chile) to attend the COY15 (Global Conference of Youth) and then to Santiago where they will be welcomed by Polish, Chilean and Moroccan authorities in the United Nations Conference. An international eco-tour under the best auspices of the Principality of Monaco.