Covid-19 Joint Monitoring Committee
A sixth meeting of the Covid-19 Joint Monitoring Committee was held recently at the Department of State. The Princely Government exchanged with the representatives of the Conseil National the progressive lifting of the confinement for Monday, May 4.
The Prince’s Government explained that the border will still be subject to controls due to the different de confinement schedules between the Principality and France.
The Government and the Conseil National also took turns to present their points of view on the question of the tests.

The issue of commercial leases in the private sector, following the Conseil National bill, was also addressed. A case-by-case examination may be undertaken by the relevant State services on reported complex situations in the private sector that create hardship.
This possibility of examining individual cases will be one of the many measures implemented, to ensure that no-one is left on the side of the road.
Covid 19 on the Retreat
Health reports show a sharp decline of Covid-19 in Monaco. No new cases for several days and a large number healing. The CHPG has now less than a handful of Covid-19 cases. The retreat of the epidemic in the Principality is obvious. To date, 95 people have been infected and four, sadly, have died from the coronavirus. Among the victims is a resident of Monaco.
The past two weeks (with one exception), there have been no new positive cases of Covid-19. The total number of people healed amounts to 82 patients. Only one people remains hospitalized in intensive care.
To date, four patients are also cared for at home by the Home Monitoring Center.