The Grimaldi Forum is recognized among the best Monegasque initiatives in waste reduction

The annual Conference of the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE) was held on Monday, May 10 at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco (GFM) in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Government Counsellor-Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

This videoconference was an opportunity to unveil the winners of the competition rewarding the best Monegasque initiatives in waste reduction.

Not only proud to have hosted this MTE event, the GFM had the immense pleasure being recognized for its eco-design exhibitions project, alongside the CHPG and the Salon Odyssée.

Congratulations to the winners, thanks to the public who voted for our project, and congratulations to the MTE!

Find the eco-design exhibitions project below

The Mission for Energy Transition awards the Grimaldi Forum
© Grimaldi Forum Monaco 2021
The Mission for Energy Transition awards the Grimaldi Forum
© Grimaldi Forum Monaco 2021

Summer exhibitions on the road to total eco-responsibility

In 2016, the Grimaldi Forum Monaco initiated an eco-design approach for its exhibitions by focusing on the waste generated by the scenographies.

Its objectives were to reduce the production of its waste, to reuse the scenographic furniture and to recycle the materials used while maintaining the aesthetic level of the scenographies and respecting the constraints linked to the conservation of the works of art. This eco-responsible exhibition initiative is part of its ISO 14001 certification obtained for the first time in 2008 and based on the continuous improvement of its environmental performance.

By integrating the issue of waste for more than 5 years from the design phase of the exhibition, the GFM has invested in removable and reusable display cases. Once at the end of the cycle, the scenographic material are given to third parties or returned to the supplier for a “second life”. The GFM favors recyclable or ecological materials, such as wooden rails rather than plasterboard.
Finally, surfaces of wooden rails have been drastically reduced to the only areas where the works of art are hung.

In addition to an overall reduction in volume, a considerable increase of sorted and recycled waste has been measured: 13% of waste were sorted and recycled 5 years ago, 73% today!

The Mission for Energy Transition awards the Grimaldi Forum
©Stéphane Danna Direction de la Communication

Always in search of efficiency, the GFM is now formalizing a complete annual report which measures its efforts and results at each stage of an exhibition (Study, scenography, signage, lighting, transport of works of art, communication…).

Beyond the production of exhibitions, this innovative initiative joins the recent movement of other exhibition venues around the world which have decided to take action to limit their impact on the environment. It shows that the concept of temporary exhibition can be combined with the principle of sustainable development and that it is possible to act in the cultural field as in all other fields to improve the preservation of our planet. Using the 3R principle, -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-, this initiative is reproducible and can be applied to any type of event, public or private.

The Mission for Energy Transition awards the Grimaldi Forum
© Grimaldi Forum Monaco 2021
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