Before COVID-19, everything was set for the “Thalas” family of four to embark on an educational adventure around the globe. But the health crisis caused main sponsors of the Thalas Expedition to drop out, leaving the five year long voyage high and dry. In response, a charity event in the Principality and online called ‘Together for Thalas’ is being organized on 26 January. With the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, this event aims to get the expedition launched in spring 2021.
The Thalas expedition will take one family around the globe to over 800 schools in 35 countries to spread a message of ocean protection. At the start of 2020 and after years of preparation, everything was organized for the family of four, who call themselves ‘Thalas’ (Thomas, Audrey, Louise and Anna, or TH-A-L-A S) to commence their journey around the world on a catamaran. After COVID hit, instead of cancelling the expedition, the Thalas family decided to attempt a departure on 15 May 2021 instead, with the help of donations during their much-anticipated charity event.

The “Together for Thalas” charitable event and cocktail party, under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II, will be held on 26 January at 6:30pm at the Riva tunnel. It will consist of a charity sale of works and collectibles donated to the association (by the Sovereign Himself as well as Marcos Marin, Pierre Frolla, Mr One Teas and many others). The event has already commenced online since 1 December 2020, and donors can currently bid on items to support the Thalas expedition.
According to Thomas and Audrey, “Becoming parents has made us worry even more about the future of our children, of all children. The Thalas project represents for us the possibility of finally acting and fully realizing ourselves. Our daughters were born in travel and discovery and this adventure will be, for them, the greatest and most beautiful school of life.”
To bid on items and support the expedition, visit: