The results of the 2017 Telethon were announced by Muriel Agliardi, President of the AFM Téléthon Monaco, during the “Téléthon Merci” ceremony which took place in Monaco, in the presence of Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council.
The global telethon raised 89.2 million euros, and Monaco raised over 70,000 euros this year. Muriel Agliardi, President of the AFM Telethon Monaco, said the ceremony is an occasion to thank all the volunteers, who really invested their time during several events all over Monaco, including the mannequin challenge and other events on the port. Highlights from Telethon Monaco also included the Scouts planting trees.
To date, donations collected throughout France and the Principality in previous years have made it possible to initiate 33 clinical trials for 26 diseases, and to help 7,574 patients and their families. Nearly 5 million people across France participate in the Telethon every year. 20,000 charitable events take place on the first weekend of December in more than 10,000 communities.

The AFM-Telethon was created in 1958 by a handful of parents who wanted to push the boundaries of medicine and science in the face of neuromuscular diseases that affected their children. Yolaine de Kepper, mother of seven, including four with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, is the founder and the first president of the Association.
Decades later, the AFM-Telethon now has the largest laboratory in the world for the production of gene therapy drugs, with ‘Genethon Bioprod’. In 2013, Généthon, the Telethon’s laboratory, obtained the status of pharmaceutical establishment granted by the National Agency for Drug Safety. A first for the laboratory created by an association of patients and financed thanks to the generosity of the public.
Now, Telethon Monaco can reflect on ideas for next year, to draw more people and more donations. If you would like to supoport this initiavie, you should follow this link and make your impact. The Telethon launches in October 2018, with a meeting for projects, ideas and proposals to make the charitable organization even better.