As of this coming week, May 18th (except Sunday), the Prince’s Government will kick off its Covid-19 serological screening test campaign with its entire population, and secondly with its employees, i.e. 90,000 people affected.
In order to organize the number of tests given each day, they will be carried out in the alphabetical order of families for all residents aged 5 and over. (Children 0-5 years old will be screened later, in the presence of a pediatrician.)
This campaign is based on two principles:
The principle of volunteering. People who do not want it will not be tested.
Free. All costs inherent in tests (Trod or PCR) and any blood tests will be covered by the State.
An official letter signed by the Minister of State will be sent to each household to explain the process and its implementation.
Two screening centres will be set up at Espace Léo Ferré in Fontvieille and in Espace Ravel at the Grimaldi Forum. They will be open every day except Sunday, from 8 am to 6 pm, and will accommodate a total of up to 4,000 residents per day.
The alphabetical order will be communicated through the press, posters and on social networks.
In the event of unavailability during the designated time slot, remedial sessions will be organized.

In the presence of doctors, nurses and volunteers helping with the samples, the so-called TROD serological test consists of an injection (akin to a prick) on the fingertip, the collection of a drop of blood and its analysis. The result takes ten minutes.
If the result is negative, it indicates that the person has not been in contact with the virus. If it is positive, the person will be asked to take a blood test in a laboratory (at the charge of the State), to determine more precisely the amount of the virus involved and when he came into contact with the virus.
If this period of coming into contact with the virus is less than 7 days, namely “the active contamination time”, a rhinopharyngeal PCR test will determine if the person is currently infected with the virus, which will lead to a compulsory fortnight in quarantine.
At the end of these first working days devoted to Monaco’s own residents and citizens, screening sessions will then be organized within the companies that give their consent and on dedicated sites.
Information concerning this screening campaign can be obtained on reachable 7/7 days from 9 am to 6 pm and is also available on the following website