SBM is always on the move, since its very beginnings 160 years ago. Transformed from its birth with one casino the SBM group now owns multiple casinos, luxury hotels, more than three dozen cafes and restaurants, nightclubs, spas, beaches, event venues, golf clubs and boutiques.
And over the past two years, the SBM group of companies recorded a profit of 530.5 million euros, 57% more than in previous years. At the moment, it enjoys a surplus of 820 million euros.
2023: leadership changes
In the wake of its 160th anniversary, SBM has gone through a leadership change. Having devoted 30 years of his life to SBM, Jean-Luc Biamonti has recently left the group’s management.
Stéphane Valeri, the head of the Monaco Conseil National from 2018 to 2022, is taking over the SBM leadership. Formally appointed by the Board of Directors in January this year, he will start work in April. Of the ambitious projects ahead of him, talk is of the new Méridien Hotel and the Summer Sporting perhaps.

Appointment to the Board of Directors
On February 15, 2023, Fabrice Larue joined the Board of Directors of the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Group, as a Director.
With more than 40 years of experience in the media, entertainment, brand and content sectors, Fabrice Larue will bring his expertise to the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de MerGroup.
A career with multiple experiences includes 10 years in the press, 9 years in radio, notably as Managing Director of Radio Nostalgie and Vice-President Managing Director of GénérationExpertise Média (GEM – advertising agency of Radio Monte-Carlo and Radio Nostalgie). He then headed the media subsidiary of the LVMH Group, specializing in economic and financial information (La Tribune, Investir, Radio Classique, Salon des Entrepreneurs, etc.). For more than 22 years, an entrepreneur in Entertainment with his company FLCP, FabriceLarue created Newen, today a subsidiary of TF1, the first French audiovisual production company. He has contributed to bringing the creation of French brands internationally such as the Braquoor Versailles series, Plus Belle La Vie, among others.
Fabrice Larue was elevated to the rank of Officer of the Legion of Honor in March 2014.
A Dynamic Future as We hold our Breath
SBM’s most successful projects in recent years have been the construction of the One Monte-Carlo complex, the renovation of the Hôtel de Paris and the legendary Café de Paris upgrade to be completed by summer.
Don’t expect SBM’s continual reinvention of itself through its 160 years to change under Stéphane Valeri’s leadership.
We hold our breath for the bright era to come.