What a wonderful idea! It speaks volumes about the spirit of the Principality. And the timing is perfect with the buzz of the Grand Prix hardly just abated.

A day dedicated to tours racing around (well actually “driving safely around”) the Formula 1 Grand Prix track in a classic car, either as a passenger or driver. Fifty euros for a tour as a passenger, and another twenty euros will get you into the driving seat. Definitely a bargain – almost a steal.

And all for an incredible cause – “Monaco Disease – Power” is determined to raise enough funds through events like this to help the mentally and physically handicapped, and particularly children.

One of the beautiful charitable gestures they do is provide a holiday facility in Annot in the Alpes Hautes Provence, less than 100 kms from Monaco. So popular is it, that it is already 100% occupied in summer.
So, Monaco Disease – Power is gearing up to add another similar facility that could put a little joy in the lives of many handicapped children and their families.

Rent a Classic Car directed by Fabrice LeRoy has lent 10 cars for the Monaco Grand Prix tour day. Which means that Monaco Disease – Power can build up funds in its piggy bank – perhaps 7.000 euros on the day would be a reasonable target. To create another sizeable holiday facility to accommodate 20 families will need about two million euros. So, fundraising will not stop with this one event. Fortunately, Monaco Disease – Power is also supported by the Monaco Red Cross, the Cuomo Foundation, the Niarchos Foundation and Elena Sivoldaeva of Monaco.

In ten years and counting, Monaco Disease Power has made great strides. They are brimming with ideas. One day we may have a coffee house on our doorstep run by the handicapped. There’s no price to be put on the dignity of a good job.

Applause to Muriel Natali-Laure, Founder and President, and all the sponsors and supporters of Monaco Disease – Power.