November is a non-smoking month in Monaco

Smoking is the leading cause of the preventable death without counting the many serious diseases induced by it. These dangers are known by smokers. Most of them (60%) want to stop. To assist in this process, the Government of Monaco wished the Principality of Monaco to be associated, as a partner, to the first “Me without tobacco” campaign initiated by the French Ministry of Health, Health Insurance and Public Health France, the new French national Agency of public Health.

“Me without tobacco” is a public health operation coordinated by the Department of Health and Social Affairs, which is to encourage all smokers to stop smoking for 30 days in the month of November, through the actions of communication and prevention.
“Me without tobacco” is inspired by an English initiative “Stoptober”, implemented since 2012, by Public Health England.

• beyond 28 consecutive days off, chances of quitting permanently are multiplied by 5.
• The English system showed that the number of tobacco quit attempts increased by 50% during such campaigns.

A media campaign (TV, billboards, web, mobile) initiated by France since October 10 will be relayed by the Principality of Monaco, its concerned health professionals and associations. The aim is to implement local actions to stimulate the interest of smokers and support them in their efforts to stop smoking.

Since the 10th of October the invitation to participate in the event was launched. To encourage candidates to stop smoking they were invited to register on:
• the website (
• Mobile Application: Tabac Info Service for smartphone
• by phone number 39.89

On November 1st they hopefully will stop smoking, participants are supported in their daily approach.

Here is the list of tools available:
• the website gives information how to prepare before the 1st November and increase the chances to quit successfully,
• being followed by a tobacco specialist by phone at No. 39.89 accessed by mobile phones and landlines,
• a mobile application with a service providing personalized coaching to quit smoking,
• an aid kit to stop smoking, which can be withdrawn for free at the partnering pharmacies which includes:
– the book “I prepare”
– Agenda “30 days to quit smoking”
– map “Stress is not with me”
– the sticker ” I am getting fit, not fat” (“Je retrouve la forme pas les formes”)
– the wheel “I calculate my savings”
– the badge “Me without tobacco ‘
– Princess Grace Hospital’s specialist stop smoking consultation service can be reached by telephoning

The Principality of Monaco’s health professionals, who are partnering with the campaign, will be available to those participating in Moi(s) sans tabac, and will provide the support they need.

The Moi(s) sans tabac campaign is an opportunity to send out a strong message on combatting the serious diseases caused by tobacco consumption.

Stéphane Valeri, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, said that “this Franco-Monegasque collaboration on public health communications gives Monaco a chance to get involved in a huge awareness campaign. The Government and Princess Grace Hospital put all the efforts to ensure that this important initiative has the widest possible reach.”

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