Originating in Monaco in 1999, the No Finish Line charity run is conquering the globe, winning over more hearts as it enters a new continent. In 2023, it will be held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, for the first time. Over the years, the race has allowed the “Children & Future” charity to sponsor some 50 projects, helping children all around the world.
No Finish Line is now an annual event held under the High Patronage of Prince Albert II of Monaco. Princess Stéphanie has been the charity’s patron since 2005. This charity event is open to everyone, both runners and walkers. It is all about the number of kilometres covered, not the speed. The name “No Finish Line” naturally explains the race’s concept. There is no finish line as such, each participant covering the targeted distance as best he can.

Thanks to entry fees, sponsorship and donations, “Children & Future” pays €1 for every kilometre covered to sponsor initiatives in support of ill and disadvantaged children.
According to the organizers, their dream is holding 52 events around the world. Held once a week in a different country, the race could indeed become a “No Finish Line” all year round.
In her interview with HelloMonaco, just before this November’s NFL, Ariane Favaloro, the “Children & Future” President recalled the first “No Finish Line” edition. Here’s an excerpt.
HelloMonaco: Who founded this event?
AF: It was founded by a famous and truly great runner, Philippe Verdier. He is the one who had this crazy idea of getting people to run and walk for a charity fundraiser.
HelloMonaco: What kind of results were achieved over these years? Which one are you most proud of?
AF: Since the start of No Finish Line in 1999, more than 4,562,288 euros have been donated to children’s projects, 154,661 people have taken part and over 4,235,471 km have been covered. {HM: Of course this November increased these totals yet again}
HelloMonaco: What’s new about the race in 2022?
AF: This year’s specialty {HM: The 23rd No Finish Line} is going back to a 100% face-to-face format. We are hoping to meet all the participants and rekindle the spirit of live communication.

23rd No Finish Line
Rekindled is the perfect word given the 10,000 participants on the circuit! Sunday November 20th, after 194 hours of racing, the 2022 edition of the No Finish Line ended in the presence of Yakuba Ouattara, sponsor of this 23rd NFL for the second consecutive year and Michaël Zézé, captain of the French team in the 4×100 relay, silver medalist in the 4x100m at the last European championships this summer in Munich, in contention for the next Olympic Games in 2024 and representatives of the Prince’s Government and the Conseil National.

This excellent participation and result confirm the original values of the NFL based on 2 inseparable and unifying elements: conviviality and sporting efforts for a single cause, that of defending the rights of children.
● 10,000 participants in 8 days
● 251,770 km traveled
● 251,770 euros will thus be donated to finance some twenty projects in favor of sick or disadvantaged children (1km = 1 euro).

No Finish Line is a generous, cosmopolitan race, a friendly meeting place, a formidable vector of internal mobilization for the very many teams competing (354 this year), a personal challenge for individual participants and a sporting event sought after by seasoned runners.
Just a Glimpse at 23rd NFL results:
→ Individually: The Prince’s Cup was awarded to Daniele Juan Alimonti with 886 km (already 1st in 2019)
The first woman and 3rd overall, Paola Coccato with 832km
→ The first winning team is that of Barclays Monaco and Fight Aids with 13,211 km.
“Coup de coeur” trophy awarded to the Sardinian team Polisportiva Olimpia Onlus for its commitment to the mentally handicapped. It received the basketball that the Roca Team had signed for Children & Future.
→ No Finish Line, official event reserved for experienced runners.

The 24 hours non-stop
86 runners were registered (50 individually and 6 teams of 6 runners in the relay).
● In individual: 1st man Frédéric Ascone with 189 km;
The 1st woman Carole Bianco with 181 km
● For the relay teams, the MCA Team was the winner with 203 km.

The 12-hour Trophy
43 runners registered; (31 individuals and 3 teams in the relay)
Winning man Alain Suzanne with 105 km,
1st woman Marie Maes with 78 km and the 1st relay, the ASMJ with 172 km.
No Finish Line never finishes, spiritually. Hello Monaco will see you from November 4th to 12th, 2023 for the 24th No Finish Line, still in the Fontvieille district and with new records to beat!