There is a new site set up by the Principality: with all practical information on the measures taken in the Principality of Monaco to limit the spread of the virus, recommendations for your health and your daily life including questions and answers, etc.

It’s all arranged neatly in themes:
- Measures taken to counter the epidemic – what is prohibited
- When you can go out and for what reason
- Parent, senior, employee or employer – you will find it there
- Travelling outside and returning to the Principality is covered too.
How is Monaco Doing Compared To Alpes Maritimes
Proportionately, 31 cases for a population of about 40.000 in Monaco is actually three times higher than the Alpes Maritimes.
Which raises the question why? Is it the high density of population living in close proximity?
Some point to the high proportion of workers from Italy travelling in prior to the quarantine.
Others point to the attraction of Monaco as a refuge and second residence for Italians under the confinement. And anecdotes circulate and are reported about Milanese gambling in the Casino before it was closed.
It is true that the first case was a British resident who had just visited Milan but there is not a single Italian in the 31 tested positive. In fact, it is reported that about a quarter of the cases are French who commuted in to work in Monaco and in addition several other cases are not even residents of Monaco. All in all the number of cases in Monaco remain low given that in the Principality there is a high degree of testing.
It is good to see the reports that there are only very light symptoms noted for the two high profile cases of Serge Telle and Prince Albert. Our wishes for a speedy full recovery for both of them.