What do you do when you have the best pastry chefs on the globe ready to cater to the celebrities of the world for their Easter events at the SBM “height-of-luxury” establishments? What if the whole focus of your job is to make grand events extra special with culinary masterpieces, including delights made of chocolate. And what do you do when you have all the ingredients at the ready and then quarantine drops out of the sky! You create an event.
Well this Easter the event is already naturally in place with all the deserving in Princess Grace hospital: all the people performing heroics during the quarantine looking after the patients, and the patients themselves.

The crack confectionary team at SBM thought of helping out at the hospital’s own kitchen but noticed that was already ticking like clockwork so reports are that they went to their own supremely equipped kitchen in One Monte Carlo and made between 500 and 1000 pieces of art in chocolate.
You can imagine a whole Noah’s ark of cute animals, literally the sweetest creatures from three days of hard work. Except on this occasion instead of marching two by two there were whole brigades of Easter bunnies and their furry friends in chocolate.
And it is even reported that, knowing that the patients and staff were well-cared for by well-wishers with traditional goodies, the “chocolate brigade” from SBM sent their Easter chocolate gifts in attractive arrays that could be served to patients on trays and with the goal that they would have a unique Easter memory to cherish.

And with moulds for the spirit-raising chocolate creatures still hot and some fine left-over ingredients it is reported that no resident in One Monte Carlo or hard working staff member in Hotel de Paris would have to celebrate Easter without a chocolatey gift.
And the icing on the cake or in this case on the Easter egg – a dedicated team with boosted morales no doubt and with the satisfaction that they had made a special contribution to the happiness of the community at Easter.