The 4th edition of the Monaco International Rose Competition, organized by the Prince’s Government and the Friends of the Princess Grace Rose Garden, presided over by Yves G. Piaget, took place at the Princess Grace Rose Garden on Friday 4 May 2018. The competition, sponsored by the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) and sponsored by jewellery brand Maison Piaget, stands apart from other international rose competitions because the flowers presented are grown in pots and not in the ground. This feature is alluring to both organizers and gardeners, in order to research and showcase varieties for the ornamentation of terraces, balconies and small gardens.

The 2018 edition included 78 varieties presented by 23 gardeners from 11 countries.
The International Jury was made up of representatives from Belgium, Spain, France, Japan, Monaco and Switzerland. The seasoned experts had the task of selecting the best roses in different categories: hybrid tea roses, multiple flowers, ground cover roses, shrub roses and miniature roses.
The evaluation criteria used for the plants included:
– Vigour
– Appearance of foliage
– Natural resistance to pests and diseases
For the flower, on the other hand, the evaluation criteria were:
– The shape of the flower bud
– The shape and quality of the flower
– Colour, fragrance, abundance of flowers and process of renewal

Based on points awarded on a scale of 100 and an evaluation grid established by the WFRS, gold and silver medals and certificates of merit were awarded.
The Monaco City Hall offered the “Coupe du parfum” to the most fragrant rose variety. The National Council of Monaco awarded the “Innovation Prize” and the Friends of the Princess Grace Rose Garden awarded the “Coup de cœur”.

Piaget offered an exceptional prize to the best variety of roses, all categories combined: a trophy reflecting the stylistic elements of its Piaget Rose collection. The golden rose is set with a diamond can be worn as a brooch or pendant.
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