Monaco has a comprehensive plan for equipping every resident with masks. And health care workers have been in particular included in the plan by acquiring over 3.5 million surgical masks and over 250 thousand of the sophisticated FFP2 type.
A Mask For Every Resident
Reusable cloth masks are being mailed out to every resident starting with the most vulnerable aged 65 and over. They should arrive by April 30th.
Employers will be required to provide two paper masks each day to each employee and can source them from the State on-line.
Pharmacies are also stocked up with masks to sell ranging from the most sophisticated FFP2, surgical masks and the general reusable cloth masks at prices no higher than:
€2.51 – surgical
€7.51 – FFP2
€3.00 – reusable cloth.
Prices vary and it may be possible to buy at lower prices.

There have been kind charitable initiatives distributing masks for free notably by the Princess Grace Foundation and masks also being donated by the jewellery designer Orlov Monte-Carlo.
There are now a plethora of Monegasque enterprises selling masks. HelloMonaco has mentioned before Bettina and Banana Moon. The list now also includes: MC-Clic, Elodie and AMC haute couture.
Contact details are below:
Banana Moon:
Free from MC-Clic: Tel+377 97 97 98 67, Elodie:
AMC haute couture:

CHPG Resumes It’s Normal Full Array of Services
The CHPG announced it is preparing to return to the usual activities in its services. This will allow patients to care for themselves, and caregivers to go and help in other hospitals.
Two Covid-19 units, which can be restarted in half a day have been able to be put in suspense.
Cardiology and surgery (excluding patients at risk Covid-19) will resume under extra- special conditions just to make sure patients and staff are protected against the virus. There is no question for the moment though of authorizing visits again while the quarantine is in force.
The hospital, which at times had lost up to 80% of its activity (excluding psychiatry, maternity and geriatrics), is ready to welcome patients. Things are going so well at the CHPG that the management decided to respond to the call from the ARS (Regional Health Agency), by sending reinforcements to Mulhouse, where the situation is very difficult.

Covid-19 Call Centre Psychological Counseling
At the Covid 19 call centre in Monaco they have discovered that there is a significant population that are in need of psychological support and advice. And callers in need are more likely to make that important call for help if the service is anonymous. So by pressing the #2 key option you can get confidential advice anonymously.
At the end of the line, of the “2” key offered by the Covid-19 call centre machine (+377. are over 29 Red Cross volunteers and just shy of 10 clinical psychologists.
Typical of those seeking help are people with feelings exhibiting crying, sadness, anxiety and worry; even anger too.
Psychologists will come on the line for the more difficult cases and there is also the option available to them to refer the caller to the psychiatric services at CHPG.
Covid-19: Update on Results
As of April 26th there have been several successive days without infections. Nevertheless, as of April 27th one new Covid-19 positive case was revealed.
So the total number of Covid-19 cases is at 95 infected of whom 42 have recovered. Two are still hospitalized and one of them is in intensive care.