The word had got out that the isolation room set aside for Coronavirus patients as a contingency – and fervently hoped to remain empty – had potential occupants. Two women were hospitalized this Monday suspected to be infected with the virus; one of them was checked in via Firemen who detected suspicious symptoms. And the other was a lady from an Italian couple.
Monaco has a renowned international population who travel as part of its population of under 40.000 inhabitants – though they have been warned off from travelling to China and surrounding Asian countries to avoid contact with Coronavirus (Covid-19) . And, of course, there is a large working population that travel in which includes more than 5.500 Italians.
Stefan Valeri, President of the Conseil National has urged the Government to publish openly its preparedness to deal with any risk of viral infection and also to be transparent about any cases in Monaco.
Naturally tests for the virus were immediately carried out as a priority on the two women admitted to Princess Grace Hospital and sent to the specialized test centre in Marseille. This is part of the agreed protocol when patients at risk are admitted.

HelloMonaco is able in this instance to be part of the network publishing the good news that the test results in both cases proved negative. No infection. What a relief for the patients and the whole Monaco community!
So far there are no diagnosed cases with Coronavirus in the Alpes Maritimes. And the Department of Health is constantly on the alert and in touch with the World Health Organisation to keep at the forefront of information and preparedness.
In Monaco, it is the Firefighters who are on the alert and on the front line. They are the ones to call to manage any potential situation. In France, it is “Samu” who handles calls.
Telephone Help Lines
There is a doctor Dr Voiglio assigned as public health inspector to inform anyone in Monaco who is worried. He can be reached by telephone and can give tailor-made information:
Firefighters: 18 or 112
Dr Eric Voiglio, public health doctor:
98 98 48 50 on working days,
06 78 63 85 68 on weekends and public holidays.
Wash your hands often. Wear a protective mask if ever in doubt – FFP2 masks, the most protective, have been selling rapidly, sometimes selling out. There are also protective gloves available.