Monaco Blue Initiative: Prince Albert brings Ocean Protection Online

The Monaco Blue Initiative and Monaco Ocean Week, two international events dedicated to the protection of the oceans, were supposed to be held from 24 to 28 March. In mid-March, when Monaco was preparing for self-isolation, the events were cancelled.

However, when virtual hang-outs and events started to become more feasible during the pandemic, the Prince Albert II Foundation and the Oceanographic Institute decided to save the 11th Monaco Blue Initiative.

Prince Albert chaired the first workshop for the 11th Monaco Blue Initiative, a global gathering of decision makers coming together to save the oceans, from the Oceanographic Museum via the internet. The Prince kicked off the first of three planned digital workshops at 3 pm, a reasonable time which allowed the 70 personalities and experts around the world in different time zones to participate.

The objective for the 11th Monaco Blue Initiative is to set up more Marine Protected Areas (MPA). The objective was to reach 10% of MPA by 2020. However, today, there is only 7%.  The community hopes to reach a target of 30% of MPAs by 2030.

The Pelagos sanctuary, created with Monaco, France and Italy, is an example of a functioning marine protected area.

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