Olga, including 2 patients who are now cured. 11 people are hospitalized. 2 of them are in intensive care.
In accordance with the principle adopted in the Principality by the health authorities, only patients highly symptomatic of Covid-19 are hospitalized. People with few symptoms are advised to confine themselves at home while being followed medically. To date, 90 patients are followed in this way by doctors in the city.
The aim is not to overload hospitals and to provide care for these patients in the city, in a flexible and comfortable way for them.
In order to support these mildly symptomatic people, the Prince’s Government has set up a Home Patient Monitoring Centre. This unit, which makes direct contact with the patients concerned, is responsible for ensuring their comfort and responding to requests for medical and logistical assistance. The patient being monitored has the possibility of coming into contact with this Centre at any time.
The Princely Government recalls the importance of remaining fully mobile while respecting the rules of health precautions and travel restrictions.
Heart-Warming News on Prince Albert’s Health
The doctors who have been following His Serene Highness Prince Albert II since the start of his Covid-19 infection have authorized him from Tuesday, March 31st to end his quarantine.
The Prince Sovereign is declared cured and in good health
The Prince will soon join his family and continue to observe the period of confinement while remaining in close collaboration with his government and his close collaborators.

His Serene Highness once again reminds the people of Monaco of the importance of scrupulously respecting containment measures and limiting contact with others. Rigorous compliance with these rules will help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
A Rare Rebuke of the Conseil National and Call for National Unity
H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince has taken cognizance since the beginning of the COVID-19 health crisis, of multiple messages disseminated by the Conseil National in particular through social networks, on the Council’s assessment of the management of this pandemic by the government.
The Palace regrets that the national unity advocated by this Assembly does not find echo in the content of its messages, which favour permanent criticism and claim responsibility for measures already decided and implemented by the State. Such an attitude can only generate public confusion and doubt about government actions.
The Prince’s government and State Services are managing this health crisis effectively, anticipating the daily development of the situation with only one concern, that of preserving the health of the population.
The government works daily to find and order new sources of medical supplies.
A large order for serological tests has already been placed and mask deliveries have already started. The Sovereign Prince has decided to set up a Joint Monitoring Committee COVID-19 in which the Conseil National is informed of all the decisions taken by His Government and where the elected officials can formulate proposals submitted for assessment by the government.
The Sovereign invites the National Councilors to show real solidarity with His government by measuring their words and avoiding any inappropriate escalation. The gravity of the situation requires restraint and cohesion, where political ambitions have no place.
His Excellency the Sovereign Prince reiterates his heartfelt thanks to all the personnel involved in the fight against this pandemic.