This article will present the most recent news on the La Turbie swimming pool.
There was a feeling of summer at the town council which took place recently. Of the fifteen deliberations presented, all were adopted unanimously, seven concerning the municipal swimming pool. The pool will now be called “Princess Charlene of Monaco Municipal swimming pool”. The best way to pay tribute to the tremendous work accomplished at the initiative – and with the financial support – of the Princess Charlene Foundation of Monaco. Thanks to an agreement between the Foundation, the French Swimming Federation (FFN) and the municipality of La Turbie, every year since 2014, the municipal swimming pool opens in June and some 350 schoolchildren from La Turbie and surrounding communities come to learn to swim and how to avoid drowning.
Unanimous votes
Taking advantage of the premature opening of the swimming pool and the presence of qualified lifeguards, the town council also offered free sessions of aquatic activities to seniors, and reserved space Wednesday afternoons for the teens member of the Young People’s SIVOM (intercommunal union) of Villefranche- sur-Mer.
Presenting the deliberations, the mayor gave reassurances: “The partnership with the Foundation will be consolidated again in the near future”. Funding for the project? “Of a total cost estimated at 35,000 €, the foundation is committed to funding 10,000 €, the rest will be taken care of by the FFN. The municipality, for its part, will make available the complete set of equipment and facilities that it maintains.

“Do not believe that the opposition has rallied the majority, but I must say that the way this operation has been managed and the way of finding additional resources deserve to be welcomed and appreciated,” said André-François Pellegrin (Turbie My Village). Various other deliberations concerned the operation of the swimming pool: after the school opening period (5 June-7 July), it will be open to the public from 8 July to 3 September, every day except Monday, closing day. And its rates will be identical to those of the last year.
You can follow further news of the La Turbie Swimming Pool in the coming months.
The Council meeting in brief
The Municipal Council approved an amendment to the original budget for 2017 to the amount now known to DGF (total operating grant): € 37,117. “It amounted to 340,000 € in 2014,” reminded the mayor. So it fell two-thirds, and it’s not over.” Another deliberation introduced a tariff for canteen meals for children from outside municipalities: between 3 euro and 5.55 euro depending on the income of the parents, the tariffs reserved for children from la Turbie will vary from 2.20 € to 4 €.
The elected officials also approved a program of improvements and upgrade of PMR standards of the town hall and the allocation of the proceeds of police fines “for the part that is donated to the Commune”, that is 69,923.62 €, to the financing of a roadwork program of 286,150 €, undertaken by the SIVOM (take-over of roads at the Santons, Gayan, Tête de Chien, Place Neuve, construction of roads through Mont-Agel road and Menton road). It should be noted that the council welcomed a new councillor, Élisabeth Dominici, following the resignation of Jean-Claude Molina.