The mind boggles just how much effort the Principality has put in to make European Heritage Day a success. It’s also a testament of the panoply of cultural richness for all those fortunate to be able to live or visit here. The Heritage programme is full to the brim of fascinating locations and interesting adventures. And they extend beyond Monaco’s borders too, but still within easy reach. Take advantage of these opportunities because some of these sites are opening specially for European Heritage Day. This gives you a chance to experience a world, often not so easily accessible.
What’s Your Passion
Is it History, Music, Dance, Architecture, Nature, Royalty, Art, Artisanal Genius like making beautiful violins or admiring elegant vintage automobiles… that’s just a flavour of the themes that have been on offer over the years for you to visit. And there are even more this year.
In this 100th anniversary honouring Prince Albert I’s passing you could visit:
- the Oceanographic Museum
- and also see there the “Colloque” of Prince Albert I telling you all about his life’s travels and scientific discoveries.
It’s also a time to remember Princess Grace who passed from among us 40 years ago this year.
You will be able to think of her when making a visit to :
- the Princess Grace Library,
- and the workshops of the Ballets de Monte Carlo,
But you are going to be stretched for time. So one way of making the most of Heritage Day is first choose your location whether it’s the Rock or Monte Carlo or Fontvielle or the several other districts. If you choose the Rock for example you still have a bewildering choice of 20 sites to visit:
Ten of the Best on the Rock
Here’s 7 of them to make up 10 assuming you would take the opportunity to visit
1: the Oceanographic Museum and 2: the “Colloque” of Prince Albert I and 3: the delightful Princess Grace Irish Library

4: The Palace Grand Appartments
Don’t miss the newly revealed Renaissance frescos and the Throne Room

For Music and Dance Enthusiasts visit:
5: Les Petits Chanteurs de Monaco
A 25 strong boys choir who are so in demand they have toured more than 40 countries!
And while you are there take a close look at your surrounds in the Cathedral of Monaco which is the resting place of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier.
Then music and dance at:
6: U Cantin d’a Roca
and visit
7: The Conseil National
Get a flavour of the Monegasque language in song in the Conseil National or also in Place de La Mairie. And while at Place de La Mairie there’s folk dancing too by the delightful:
8: La Palladienne de Monaco
and see:
9: La Mairie de Monaco
As you are there in front of the Mairie reflect that it is the oldest Monegasque institution dating from the 13th century. You can visit the room where marriages take place and take in an enchanting Harp Concert
And then some fun:
10: Chasse au trésor dans les Jardins Saint Martin
Spoilt for choice for the tenth. Here’s a fun one and some relaxation too. How about a stroll and a treasure hunt in the Saint Martin Gardens next to the Oceanographic Museum.

Remember there are well over 40 places to visit and lots of other locations.
In fact there are 9 other locations in addition to the Rock. Each has so many choices your head may spin.
No wonder the Principality is considered within Europe as putting on the most widely celebrated participatory cultural events on the whole continent. Monaco is a fervent champion of Heritage Day or “Patrimoine” Day; it provides access in Europe to thousands of rarely opened sites and unique events.
Rumour has it that anyone who makes the rounds of all forty seven venues listed on Monaco’s Heritage Day may be invited to dinner at the Palace (it’s only a rumour!) It would be easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than complete forty seven marathon celebrations in a single day! But at the end of Heritage Day if you are close to the magic number 47 contact HelloMonaco for a special interview .
For a full listing of sites and more information, visit the website.
Especially for the day, parking rates are set at €4 at the following car parks: Jardin Exotique, Condamine, Pêcheurs, Stade Louis II, Boulingrins, Grimaldi Forum and La Colle.