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From Footballs to Festivities and Music : AS Monaco Celebrates a Century in Style

AS Monaco celebrated its centenary with a grand Sports Festival at Port Hercule, an event that showcased the club’s diverse athletic prowess and brought the community together. Prince Albert II attended the festivities, engaging with athletes and participating in the activities, reflecting his deep connection with the club’s legacy.

The celebration on June 22nd featured AS Monaco’s 23 sports sections, which filled the quay Albert I with energy and enthusiasm from 11 am to 6 pm. Football, basketball, weightlifting, table tennis and more, you name it …It was a sports occasion for all. The AS Monaco Omnisports’ 23 sports sections filled Port Hercule with life as they celebrated this 100th anniversary. The festival, designed as a village with stands and pitches, extended to the Rainier III water sports stadium, with everyone enthusiastically engaging in the sports demonstrations and initiations.

Prince Albert II highlighted the club’s significance broadcast on Monaco Info too:

“For me, AS Monaco is about diversity and excellence. From football to swimming, bobsleigh, aikido, e-sport, table tennis… and there may be two more this year to mark the centenary. The Association promotes the values that we hold dear, the values of universal sport, which are close to the Olympic values: solidarity, friendship, fairplay, respect for the rules…

We can’t forget the extraordinary success of our football team, but of course there have been other great results, by Téo Andant and Lisa Pou and many more. I am also touched by the great results of our young waterpolo players and our girls’ volleyball team.

I think there’s a tremendous dynamic that we must harness to fly our colours high. It is with great hope that we celebrate this ASM centenary, and that we look towards the next hundred years.”

ASM’s journey from its founding in 1924 to today has seen the club expand from three sections to 23, embracing over 4,600 members. The event honoured this growth with an intersection tournament featuring volleyball, handball, laser shooting, basketball, and athletics, fostering camaraderie among members.

Young Athletes at the Heart of the Festivities

Young athletes were at the heart of the celebration, with the “graine de champion” initiative for 8-16 year-olds. A favourite was a special stand allowing children to take photos in their ASM uniforms, which will be featured in a commemorative book set for release in November.

Adding to the centenary memorabilia, is a special stamp issued by the Office des Emissions de Timbres-Poste. With a face value of four euros, the stamp, printed in 35,000 blocks, depicts the club’s sections and the centenary logo, encapsulating the event’s spirit.

The day concluded with a concert by Bigflo et Oli, part of the fête de la musique, designed to attract almost 7.000 people.

In Roland Bianchieri’s words as vice-president of the multi-sport club, “ASM is one big family, and we celebrated these 100 years with that spirit in mind, honouring our rich history in the best possible way.”

The centenary celebrations of AS Monaco will continue in November with the traditional awards ceremony, a key event in the club’s annual calendar as the club looks forward to the next hundred years.

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