The incredible sensitive situation we are experiencing as a result of one of the largest economic crisis ever seen worldwide, due to COVID-19 health crisis, could be a great opportunity to boost a new course in the world. We live in an increasingly interconnected time where ‘business as usual’ model appears out of time. From these premises, the fourth edition of CC Forum – Investment in Sustainable Development, founded by Max Studennikoff, held at Fairmont Monte Carlo from the 24th until the 25th September 2020 has offered important food for thought. The international summit, under the high patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II Grimaldi of Monaco, convened in Monaco high-profile speakers among the most meaningful business leaders, policy makers, investors and relevant public figures.
Monte-Carlo’s conference session focused on new horizons of the global economy fostering business opportunities to face today challenges. Environmental issues, eco-friendly technology, healthcare, education, social inclusion and philanthropy were some of the pillars of speeches and key notes. “The core agenda focuses on the urgent need for the preservation of our planet together with the nurturing of economic and social progress” pointed out H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco in a dedicated video message shown during the panel session.

“The current global situation requires creative, ethical and nuanced thinking. The CC Forum represents a leading global investment platform welcoming both institutional and private impact investors as well as some of the world’s most innovative start-ups”, the Sovereign Prince added.
A winning formula that is grounded on solid basis as explained exclusively to HelloMonaco, Media partner of the event, by Max Studennikoff (M.S.), Chairman and Founder of the Forum.
HelloMonaco: Mr. Studennikoff, can you tell us the story of CC Forum in just few steps?
M.S.: I have been attending a number of conferences globally for some time and I thought there was a need to create an event about the achievements and goals in the field of sustainability and climate change where to gather a duet of movers and shakers following in the footsteps of this philosophy. The idea was to deal with a range of topical issues like government strategies, waste management, renewable energies and educational system. Gradually, I have come to realize that there was a real possibility of creating a new brand and I started in London, three years ago, with the support of H.R.H. Queen Elisabeth II. I remember distinctly that at that time some people thought this was just another one of the many but times went by and CC Forum is now quite attractive. Within the COVID mass hysteria, only some events of this rank continue their challenging activity but with successful outcome.

HelloMonaco: How do you see CC Forum in the near future?
M.S.: I am very positive. We will be committing ourselves to further increase the quality of all interventions. In this edition, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we had some dropouts in the very last moment but, hopefully, I will soon come back to Monaco with a larger parterre of guests.
“We need to work together and continue to emphasize the notion of global citizenship; it is crucial for us” stressed in his video message Ban Ki Moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations.
“To a very large extent this pandemic, which has been so disruptive for the economy and that caused such suffering in loss of lives, has been predicted for so many years by researchers”, highlighted in a streaming call Jane Goodall, Founder of Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace. “We (Human Beings) have shown absolute disrespect to the environment and to animals, (…) So, this lack of respect has also get to climate change which is a far more serious threat to our future and the future of life on Earth”, she underlined.
“I believe that the world must change and the best way is to do it step by step rather than planning big projects and finally not succeeding”, stated H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies – “I am very much concerned on environmental issues; besides being in the business world, I also created Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation that I decided to start in Mauritius’s Island, a tiny land in the heart of Indian Ocean, since I believe that climate change is such a dramatic situation”. “In this marine environment, people really know the need to shift towards sustainable development”, she concluded, expressing her hope to involve those geographical areas in the Forum.

“I have not the purpose to push people to wash whiter than white, I want them certainly understand that we have to make a further step every day to make a massive difference”, pointed out Gunter Pauli, entrepreneur, pedagogue and author – “We need to have bigger ambitions: once I thought I was the ‘guru’ until I visited my suppliers in Indonesia where I realised that I was destroying the rainforest, so I decided to get out and change the business model”, he added by concluding : “We need people explaining what we are doing together to be sustainable; organic and biodegradable have nothing to do with sustainability, they just say what you don’t do”.
Undoubtedly, CC Forum offered a valuable contribution to encourage more environmentally responsible business models responding to the need of safeguarding the Planet Earth.
“I am convinced that we all have the duty to preserve the world we live in, especially for future generations, because our health coincides with that of our Planet”, finally pointed out Maestro Plácido Domingo, who was awarded the prestigious CC Forum 2020 Award.