Two thieves who robbed the Cartier Jewelry store in Monaco were recently found guilty and sentenced to eight and nine years in prison. Sentencing took place in Nice.
On the afternoon of 27 March 2017, in broad daylight, four thieves terrorized six employees with armed robbery at the Cartier Jewelry store in Monaco. Two of the accomplices admitted to their participation in the crimes and were tried in Monaco three and a half years ago. The unnamed criminals were sentenced to ten and seven years in prison by the Monegasque courts.

The other two thieves were tried by the French justice system because they were arrested on French soil. One thief is currently 24 years old while the other is 27 years old.
Armed robbery is a traumatic and life-changing event for all victims involved. If the thieves weren’t armed, the event would have been almost comical, as one of the thieves was dressed up as Santa Claus and another hid under a mattress in a palace suite.
Shortly after the robbery, Police sealed off all roads leading out of Monaco. All four thieves were arrested on the same day as the robbery and the stolen items were recovered.

At the end of the three-day trial, both of the accused criminals faced twenty years in prison. The getaway driver, 24 years old, received an eight-year sentence while the 27 year old, who entered the jewelry store with a handgun and sent the employees down to the basement, received nine years.
Armed robberies are rare in Monaco, although another Cartier store was the target of a separate armed robbery in 2015 in Cannes, during the legendary film festival.