British Airways flights from Nice to Manchester and London-Stansted

This summer, British Airways will offer two new seasonal flights from Nice to London-Stansted and Manchester.

From the 6th of May, British Airways will offer a flight every Saturday between Manchester and Nice-Côte d’Azur Airport. Departure at 13:05 (arrival at 16:25), return from France at 17:10 (arrival at 18:35).

The flight will take place in an aircraft with a capacity of 98 seats.  As of the 20th of May, the London-Stansted-Nice route will be opened with departures at 13:05 (arrival at 16:15) and return from France at 17:00 (arrival at 18:10). British Airways already fly from Nice airport to Gatwick, Heathrow and London City, it will now do so from the airport located about sixty kilometers from the British capital.

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