“The Art originates from constraints, it lives through struggles and it dies of freedom”, used to say the French writer André Gide (Nobel Prize for Literature in 1947). The high quality artistic vocation has always been able to make the artists express themselves freely offering an inspiring point of view of the society at a given moment in history, beyond any obstacle or censorship. The Principality of Monaco, despite its small-sized country, is focusing on Art quality and competences worldwide with a view to implement the art free port. Not counting its strategic position, so close to the second international airport of France just in between France and Italy, two of the most important artistic Countries.

At its third edition, the exclusive artmonte-carlo Showroom for contemporary, modern art and design organized by Palexpo SA under the artistic direction of the talented Thomas Hug, perfectly embodied the Monegasque Art-oriented new age. The Grimaldi Forum hosted, from 28th to 29th April 2018, 40 first-class international art galleries which displayed a kaleidoscope of art forms including the latest innovative artistic tendencies, besides some pivotal Art Institutions.

By the will of Laura De Jonckheere, the first edition of the Monaco Art Week, from 26th to 29th April 2018, animated an artistic tour around the Principality, involving 13 best Art Galleries and 2 Auction Houses present on the territory. A full immersion on the artistic evolution from the refined Italian Renaissance of Pinturicchio (Moretti Fine Art) to the contemporary Iranian Art (Kamil Art Gallery), Prix Off 2018 winner, passing through the romanticism and pre-impressionism of Ippolito Caffi (Galerie Grippaldi) and the romanticism of Vincenzo Caprile (A.Pallesi Art Gallery), the detailed ink drawings of Pierre Le-Tan (11 Columbia Art Gallery) and the pre-modern eclectic colored shapes of Niki de Saint Phalle (De Jonckheere Art Gallery).

How strong is the art collecting in Monaco and how is it going to develop? «What makes Monaco unique is a combination of factors where Art plays a key position in attracting highly cultured people to attend such a high standard event», pointed out H.E. Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, during the round table “Monaco place d’Art” on Saturday 28th April 2018.

«Monte Carlo can really play the role of a professional artistic network and a crucial ‘cultural hub’ where Art could help people live and think better, starting with the youngest», highlighted Martin Guesnet, President of Botox(s) [Alpes & Riviera Modern Art Network].

«Artmonte-carlo is increasingly sensitizing international top-level galleries, old master dealers, auction houses, collectors and visitors from the Côte d’Azur and the Italian Riviera», stressed Thomas Hug, director of artmonte-carlo and artgenève.

«The Principality of Monaco has the potential of becoming a leading art investment country as long as it will keep focusing on professionalism, fair regulations and infrastructures», reaffirmed Fabrizio Moretti, art dealer and vice-president of the Monaco Art Week Association.

«Monaco needs to invest more on top level exhibitions in order to make a name in the globalized Art world preserving that cultural liveliness which characterizes it», concluded David Nahmad, refined art collector.