Thursday the 6th of April marked the first day of the three-day long AMWC event here at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. The building has been transformed to accommodate diverse companies showcasing exciting new skin technologies, highly esteemed guest speakers and an array of stands on the topic – all organised for this year’s Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress.
The world-renowned event was introduced to the Principality of Monaco in 2002 under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and this year the AMWC conference celebrates its 15th Anniversary! Over the years it has played a key role in underpinning the scientific understanding of global anti-aging management, whilst continuously growing and adapting to meet new challenges and welcome new ideas. The unwavering success of the event is largely due to the combined efforts of the members of the scientific committee, the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine (WOSIAM), and the organizers who ensure the congress remains cutting edge.
Every year the highly anticipated event attracts about 10 000 participants from more than 120 countries, flying in from all over the world to be the first to discover the latest revolutionary technologies in skin treatment and health management. The congress encompasses all there is to know about aesthetic dermatology and surgery, regenerative, preventive and anti-aging medicine; there is something for everyone and plenty of experts to advise you in any way!
The conference lives up to its prestigious name; the event is super organized, accommodating around 300 international faculty members and delegates from over 40 countries, each one of them able to showcase the latest frontiers of anti-aging. The public is able to observe first-hand the diverse instruments, machines and topical treatments used to ward off signs of aging. The first and only robotic hair transplant system ARTAS was on show; a new machine that “assists surgeons with precise, difficult and repetitive movements, thus decreasing manual variability while improving clinical outcomes” explained the sales manager Matteo Vernich – a revolutionary instrument for male baldness. Visitors and guests at the event were able to exchange information freely, making the most of the knowledge and passion of the experts, as well as attend live demonstrations of full-face rejuvenation, footlifts, lip sculpting and many more.

Virtually every stand is intriguing and offers something new and innovative to learn about. Many specialise in skin care products, creams of all sorts available at very reasonable prices, home care methods to prevent and reduce the appearance of facial aging. L’Esthétic brand uses stem cells from natural resources such as apples in their anti-aging formula, producing quality creams that promise excellent results, as well as a line of fillers that can also be used for vaginal rejuvenation – one of the latest breakthrough procedures that responds to the intimate needs of women. The Cebelia stand offered information on topical products developed for reinforced depigmenting, causing brown spots to fade and smoothing overall skin colour using “a synergy of innovative active ingredients that reduce melatonin production” according to export manager Elodie Coutant. The before-and-after pictures of each product were impressive to see.

Nutrition based solutions for issues such as weight management were also on show, such as the Eurodiet programme that helps with nutrition during particular steps in life such as pregnancy, old age and when training. It offers high protein, low carbohydrates snacks such as flapjacks, gummybears and biscuits that allow clients to “make the most of the latest innovations and scientific discoveries in the nutritional field”, “all products are tested to be sure of their optimal efficacy” for weight loss. A few highly skilled nutritionists are giving a talk on ‘New Trends in Nutrigeroprotection’ on Saturday led by Ascanio Polimeni, member of the WOSIAM, where Doctor Claudio Tomella will be talking about superfoods as anti-aging pathways activators, a powerful tool in reducing signs of aging.
Fascinating revolutionary anti-aging medical procedures took centre-stage amongst many interesting stands. The company Cristal deals in medical cryolipolysis, which seeks to permanently remove fat in patients by crystallising fat cells, which then self-destruct due to the cold temperature. It is designed for use by medics who have found that it effectively treats localized fat and differs from liposuction, as it is non-invasive. It is “a more prestigious procedure that can cost around 60,000 euros”.
UVL Therapeutics uses alternative technology that could greatly improve patient’s quality of life. It works through intravenous, delivering ultraviolet-A (UVA) and multiple visible light wavelengths to reduce pathogens, lower inflammation and pain as well as boost ATP synthesis. In future, it could also possibly tackle inflammation related diseases such as lupus, heart disease and many others.
Conferences on various subjects are included, with talks from worldwide experts in the field concerning topics like hormone replacement technology for women and stem cells for anti-aging and regenerative therapy, used for treatment of Arthritis and aesthetic purposes. A talk on Male Health took place on Thursday; Christopher Asandra MD, Chief Medical Officer at Nu Male Medical Centre, spoke about the great benefits of Pellet Therapy for men who’ve reached a certain age. The pellets contain testosterone, helping regenerate healthy levels in men and acting against ‘male menopause’. These testosterone pellets protect men against degenerative diseases, prevent heart disease, helps boost sex drive and good mood, as well as regulate muscle building. These revolutionary pellets could greatly improve the quality of life of men going through the symptoms of aging, however they are currently only allowed in the US and are banned in countries such as France and the UK. There is a definite need to educate the public on age-related symptoms in men, to better handle male aging.
Go check out the Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine World Congress while its still in town, who doesn’t want to know how to maintain a youthful looking face?