Julien Moreau is a young “Eco-adventurer” who had dreams of beating the world record for the longest triathlon in the world by biking, swimming and running around France and Monaco in six months. A few days ago, his epic triathlon brought him to Monaco, where he arrived after swimming all the way from Marseille. After his long swim, he traded his fins for sneakers at the Yacht Club of Monaco and continued on his journey. He is now in the last part of his adventure, making his way to Paris, where he should arrive by the end of October.
So far, Julien Moreau has biked 4,500 km from Paris to Marseille, swam 375 km between Marseille and Monaco and is currently running 1,150 km from the Principality of Monaco to the National Assembly in Paris, scheduled for 24 October.

Unfortunately, the 29-year-old adventurer will not break the world record for the world’s longest triathlon. Norma Bastidas, from Mexico, will still hold that record, which she set in 2014 in less time than Moreau will be able to manage. But Moreau’s admirable efforts are not in vain. The triathlon’s aim was to educate young people about the environment and that is still relevant. A National Education label has been set up for education programs about sustainable development in schools throughout France. The institutions involved will work on eight major themes including water, energy, food, biodiversity, waste, health, solidarity and climate.
Moreau fell in love with travel and outdoor sports activities at an early age aboard his family’s sail boat. From Brittany to the Polar ice caps to the Himalayan mountains, he travels to discover what the world can offer and what he can offer the world. To him, adventure is all about sharing enriching experiences.

This major triathlon isn’t the first project Moreau has set up to raise awareness for the environment. Other projects include #Standup4Oceans, where he paddled 1,200km around Brittany; project #Swim4ocean, where he swam from Jersey to St. Malo to proclaim that everything is possible and that we must protect our oceans; and the #BZHTour project, where he walked more than 1,500km, holding 35 conferences about the environment along the way for 2,000 youth.
Convinced that adventure is a powerful medium that can positively influence the world, Moreau hopes his eco-adventures will influence policies, support environmental NGOs and help create a generation of eco-citizens.
Despite knowing that he will not be able to beat the world record (this time) Moreau will continue on his long journey from Monaco to Paris, visiting schools along the way and continuing to inspire the next generation to take action for the planet and for humanity.
Follow Julien Moreau’s progress here: https://www.julienmoreau.org/le-long-triathlon-du-monde/