She is fashionable, flirtatious, mischievous and straightforward. A young woman present on social networks, but surrounded by real friends, conscious about her looks but aware that a heart matters more than appearance, a member of the princely family, but of a great simplicity at that. Camille Gottlieb comes across as a worthy daughter of her mother, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco. Just like her, she is fully committed to charity and community work. Same as her mother, she is oblivious of any codes, free and determined. We were happy to meet at the Palace this beautiful person who was willing to speak frankly, sharing her dreams and convictions. With no fuss or restraint.

Hello Monaco: Camille, your involvement with charities started early on. What was the trigger?
Camille Gottlieb: Ever since I was very young, my mother would explain to me what humanitarian work was about. I was immersed in charity from my very birth. It was part of my education.
HM: When you say very young, what does that mean?
CG: At the age of five or six I would already accompany my mother to Christmas parties for disabled children or the elderly. I was literally imbued with mutual aid values. Ever since I was old enough to understand, I was told about the fight against HIV. At the age of 18, I became involved in it as a volunteer alongside my mother, President of “Fight Aids Monaco“. A year later I founded my own charity: “Be Safe Monaco”.

HM: Yes, this is yet another thing — fighting against drink-driving. Your commitment was triggered by a tragedy…
CG: We lost a loved one. With a few friends, we just decided that it could not go on like that, we refused to wait and see who is next. We live in a small community and we have enough people to manage getting everyone home safely without taking a risk. That’s how this charity came about, founded with my four friends: Charlotte, Andréa, Margaux and Laura. It is truly “Girl Power” in action!
HM: How did you meet these friends, during your studies, at high school?
CG: I’ve known them all for a long time. My best childhood friend Laura and I, we’ve had a connection for 20 years. We share the same values. She is committed to the same causes as I am.

HM: How is this fight against drink-driving organized?
CG: We work with the parents’ association, raising awareness among young people and their families. We also fight against drugs which cause the same kind of damage. We are also very close to the Monegasque Red Cross. Over a year ago I joined its Board of Directors.
HM: But you are young and you may still have different goals… Do you intend to devote your life to charities?
CG: I will not stop my commitment. It’s even a bit selfish — doing good makes me grow and evolve at the same time. But I do have other plans as well for my personal life. Being at ease at public speaking, I can really reach out to others. Many things can therefore be envisaged… During the COVID break, I refocused on myself. The confinement allowed me to reflect and take a step back. I had previously lost, but now found myself. That’s the most important.

HM: Yes, oddly enough, this period was beneficial for many people. Were you saying that you were not very comfortable with yourself?
CG: I wasn’t indeed! I was going through my life, but didn’t ask myself any questions. I was actually experiencing an inner conflict and not feeling happy about myself. I then decided to take my life in charge. In a few months I lost 28 kilos without necessarily stopping to eat since this is all in our head. I want my parents to be proud of me. And I know they will be as soon as I am happy. As a child it’s quite hard to understand…
HM: In terms of your interests, what are they mostly about?
CG: I’ve been cast for a series and now waiting to hear from them…. You may see me on the screen at some point. I’m interested in cinema, photography and theatre too. I’ve been doing it for quite a few years. I do believe however that everything is written for us. If I am ever meant to play in a movie, I will. If I am to found an animal rights charity, I will too. And if I am to get married …
HM: Speaking about that, would you like to have children?
CG: I know I was born to be a mother. Whenever I see children around, I go crazy. Older people are also my weak point.

© Camille Gottlieb
HM: You are often compared to your grandmother, Princess Grace. Do you think you resemble her?
CG: It’s quite complicated to say since I’ve never known her. From what I know she was a great lady, very classy, much more reserved than me, very discreet. I express my emotions in a straightforward way. Many people say that I actually look like my mother. I don’t quite know.
HM: What you have in common with your mother is being the youngest of all siblings…
CG: Yes, but on my dad’s side I am actually the oldest! He had two boys after me.
HM: Do you get on well with your father’s family?
CG: Very well indeed! They are my cocoon, my intimate circle, the one you don’t see in the magazines. I have an unconditional love for my grandparents too. They are a family that is not in the limelight, a family like any other.

HM: Last summer you made a high-profile appearance at the Red Cross Gala in a black and golden dress. How did you choose it?
CG: You want the real story? I was originally going to wear something completely different. It must be said that I’m very organized in my life except for … my wardrobe. I did, of course, have a dress at home. But on the day of the gala I finished up shopping at the Métropole with my mother’s secretary at 4pm. When we were about to give up, we stopped by Red Valentino’s, just in case. The shopgirl was quite in a panic when she realized the outfit was for me to wear that very night. That’s when I caught sight of a dress that I immediately christened Cleopatra. I tried it on. It did fit, but the underdress was a bit tight around the chest. I had more underdresses at home, all too large though. So I finished up wearing one four sizes bigger. Thankfully, the dress was fitted. No one noticed…

HM: How did that evening go?
CG: I was invited to that gala not as a member of the princely family, but as the Red Cross administrator, responsible for the youth and future section. But nobody knew that! The protocol required, of course, that I sit at the Prince’s table, right next to His Highness, with my aunt, Princess Charlène, diagonally opposite. Everything went well. The dinner was excellent and the evening was a success.
HM: So you want to go back to the gala…
CG: Absolutely so. As long as I don’t have a dress panic!
HM: I understand you are also following the family circus tradition. Will you be taking over from your mother who is so dynamic in this field?
CG: My mom is dynamic in everything she does. She has more energy than I do, and I do have a lot. She’s a real energizer! Even if I am 33 years younger… Whichever way it is, my mum could open a bakery, I’d be by her side. She could build a sand castle, I’d defend it as if it were my fortress!

HM: Apart from the cinema and theatre, do you have any other interests? How do you see your future?
CG: I would like to set up a company in Monaco in the field of aesthetics or interior design. I want to do something for my country, get involved in the life of the Principality, and I do love beauty. Apart from that, I hope to start a family.
HM: Do you have a boyfriend at the moment?
CG: My heart is no longer free. I’ll talk about it if it gets more serious.
HM: Do you have a dream?
CG: Just to be happy and fulfilled later on with my children. I’m a Cancerian, so family is very important.
HM: And what are your plans for the nearest future?
CG: Well, working with my best friend Med and his great team. I’ve been a marketing and communication director for the MK Club for more than three years.

HM: You are still living with your mother?
CG: Yes we are very close and share at least two or three meals a week. My brother Louis comes for dinner every Friday night. It’s a must! Sometimes I bribe him into asking for my favourite dishes like lasagna, for example…
HM: Are you still careful about what you eat?
CG: I’m careful not to fall back into my old ways. I’ve rebalanced my diet. In fact, I’ve learned to eat properly. I used to eat too much and nibble a lot.

HM: What about sports? Do you practice any?
CG: I used to do a lot of sports, particularly figure skating. Now I do long walks with my daily ray of sunshine, my little Leonie. I can’t live without animals. Leonie is five years old, I found her in a shelter in Romania. My dog is an original cross between a greyhound and a Jack Russel. Look, I have Leonie’s paw tattooed on my hand and her name, on my arm.
HM: Really? You have tattoos? And your mother doesn’t mind?
CG: What do you want her to say? She’s got more than me! And it’s my body! I’ve got about ten tattoos, most of them quite discreet, including a very beautiful lion cub on my forearm. Yes, I do love animals!

The HelloMonaco team congratulates the “Be Safe Monaco” charity organization on the occasion of its first major jubilee — the 5th anniversary since its foundation. We wish you a resounding success!