Did you know that Monaco has became a vibrant centre for gatherings of philosophers. They carry on a great European tradition of philosophizing in the French language. Monthly forums restarted this January for the fourth successive year – and the good news is they are open to the public. In fact in Monaco the whole essence is to make the forums accessible to all – just like going to the ballet, the theatre or the circus.
It is unique how all this started. Certain themes and passions seem to spark and then pass through generations in Monaco. Prince Rainier caught the bug with the Circus and passed it onto Princess Stephanie. Princess Caroline now carries the torch started by Princess Grace’s love for the ballet.
Deja vu! – now Charlotte Casiraghi has caught a bug. One might have guessed fashion but it is philosophy. Charlotte Casiraghi, in her last year of studies at the Lycee Francois Couperin, encountered the philosopher, Robert Maggiori, who was the professor of Charlotte’s philosophy class. And Robert Maggiori’s teaching led Charlotte Casiraghi to fall in love with philosophy. Tragedy (in Charlotte’s case losing her father at four years old) and passion in our lives spur us to ponder our existence.
By creating these Forums with great philosophers Charlotte is encouraging us to join in – enjoy ourselves debating the great themes in life. There have already been three successful years of these Philosophical meetings (Les Rencontres Philosophiques).
The theme chosen for the first year, 2015- 2016, was, perfectly, Love.
In the second year of the Philosophical Meetings the theme was “The Body”. And in the third year the theme had been “Responding to Violence”.
The Monegasque event Les Rencontres Philosophiques dedicated to philosophy offers a captivating programme for 2020. The first session on January 9th was around history and time.

“These pasts that do not pass” at the Théâtre des Variétés presented by Raphael Zagury-Orly. In each future month’s workshop the links between time, history and humanity will be explored.
Where does time and being come together. From what origin does time reveal the environment in which beings appear. Philosophers Nathalie Depraz and Nicolas De Warren try to answer these questions on February 6th – also at the Théâtre des Variétés at 7pm.
On March 12th the theme of time takes on a political dimension. It will be approached looking at the dilemmas faced by statesmen and women in our current society.
And on April 2nd, time via existence and desire will be treated prior to the summer pause and the resumption of workshops in October. The whole programme is available to be found here.
These problems which philosophy treats are those that traverse every human life: love, justice, truth, time, desire, power, technology, freedom, the nature and role of society, art, etc. The Philosophical Meetings of Monaco have as their ambition to create an unprecedented ‘place’ in which philosophy can find its home, giving thereby hospitality to French thinkers and those of other countries who today nourish philosophy.
Did you know Children are getting involved too. The Philosophical Meetings of Monaco have from the very start been mindful that philosophy is relevant and important to those of all ages including students in their youngest of school years.
Isn’t this mix in the Principality of philosophy together of with the glitz, Formula 1, Casinos, fashion and passion beyond ironic verging on inspiring ! It’s all part of Monaco’s expanding cultural mosaic.