Smokers, could you go a month without tobacco? Launched in 2016, the operation “Moi(s) sans tabac” (translating as ‘me without tobacco/a month without tobacco’), aimed at collectively stopping smoking during the month of November, is being renewed in 2017.
The month of November 2017 will again be an opportunity to encourage residents of the Principality to quit smoking with the second edition of “A Month without Tobacco”. The objective is to encourage smokers to spend a month without a cigarette and, thus, to hopefully quit permanently.
To help them in this process, the Prince’s Government has requested that the Principality of Monaco be associated, as a partner, with the campaign “A Month without Tobacco” initiated by the French Ministry of Health.
This operation, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Social Affairs and Health and the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, is renewed this year by the distribution of free kits to help stop smoking, to pick up free of charge from pharmacies who are partners of the campaign.

A Month without tobacco, what is it? “A Month without Tobacco” is a public health operation coordinated by the Department of Social Affairs and Health, which consists of encouraging and supporting all smokers, through local communication and prevention actions, in the process of quitting smoking for 30 days in November.
Why for a month? Because after 28 consecutive days of stopping, the chances of quitting permanently are multiplied by 5.
The terms of the “A Month without Tobacco” media campaign (TV, billboard, web, mobile), initiated by France, will be relayed by the Principality of Monaco, health professionals and associations concerned. The objective is to implement local actions to attract the interest of smokers and support them in their efforts to stop smoking.
Register to quit! As of Monday, 23 October, candidates for quitting smoking are able to register in different ways:
- Via the website of Tobacco info service (,
- the app Tobacco Info Service for smartphone,
- the telephone number 39.89

The 1st November will be the start of quitting tobacco consumption. In this way, registered participants will be supported in their daily fight through several tools:
- the website Tobacco info service ( disseminating information to prepare before 1st November and increase one’s chances of success,
- a Tobacco info service app providing personalised coaching by tobacco specialists,
- free support from a tobacco addiction expert by telephone at No. 39.89, accessible from mobile phones and landlines.
In addition, the smoking consultation at the Princess Grace Hospital is free, and accessible by phone number:
The health professionals of the Principality of Monaco, partners of the campaign, are at the disposal of the participants in the “A Month without Tobacco” campaign to give them the necessary support.
Didier Gamerdinger, Minister-Councillor for Social Affairs and Health stated that “this campaign is a positive concept for the good health of the residents of the Principality. It must become an annual event that encourages smokers to stop.”
The campaign for a month without tobacco sends a strong message in the fight against serious diseases caused by tobacco consumption.