The Monaco Economic Board (MEB) held its General Assembly on Thursday 16 of March with more than 200 participants from its 470 member companies and numerous personalities. The 2016 balance sheet and 2017 outlook were presented and all proposals were approved. The Committee Director has been renewed, as it has been for the last 3 years. At the end of the General Assembly, HE Mr. Serge Telle, Minister of State, made a speech, recalling the strong support of the Government for the actions carried out by the MEB.
2016: 50 investor research operations and business development support.
In its mission to prospect for and accompany foreign investors, the Monaco Invest team has conducted increasingly targeted operations, often in partnership with other institutions, in the Principality and abroad. Operations that have resulted in more than 30 investor files in line with the needs of Monaco. The year was also marked by the signing of agreements with organizations of foreign economic players based in the Principality (Italy and Brazil).
Thanks to its numerous partners, the Monaco Chamber of Commerce has multiplied its activities to serve member companies: in addition to the unmissable Rendez-Vous des Adhérents (Members Meeting), numerous local operations (conferences, receptions of foreign delegations, etc.) have marked the year. In parallel, economic missions were organized in Brazil, Russia and Azerbaijan.

A barometer of economic activity in Monaco, the International Formalities Department has published a total of 6,500 documents, representing a turnover increase of 4.2% compared to 2015.
Finally, as far as communication is concerned, in addition to supporting operations throughout the year, the 5th edition of the Eco Club Trophies awarded 6 outstanding entrepreneurs from the Principality.
2017: opportunities and new horizons.
During the course of the year 2017, 50 organized operations should be reached once again. The coordinating mission of the public and semi-public entities of Monaco leading overseas promotion operations entrusted to the MEB by the Minister of State will make it possible to optimize their impact this year.
Among the highlights, missions are planned in Slovakia and Moldova from 1 to 5 of May, accompanied by official visits by HSH Prince Albert II, Israel from 19 to 22 June and Kazakhstan in July. Prospecting activities in London, Switzerland and Italy, targeting areas such as Family Offices, Yachting and ICT are also under preparation. In Monaco, welcoming delegations, conferences and networking meetings will allow member companies to benefit from effective tools for their development.
At the conclusion of the GA, Minister of State Serge Telle took the floor, recalling that “The MEB is a major and strategic partner for the Government of the Principality, as we work together throughout the year in pursuit of the same objectives: the economic development, influence and attractiveness of the Principality.”