When advising my international patients on various issues, I increasingly see how people who care about their health, regardless of their background and residence, repeatedly fall into some dangerous «traps». For many, the consequences are costly, both in financial terms and healthwise. They don’t really improve their health but finish up instead with some serious issues which impact how their body functions. So what are these typical winter season «traps»?
Winter Traps: Diet, Self Care & Exercising
Trap 1: «Muesli and porridge for breakfast»

Eating muesli and cereals for breakfast may have some very serious consequences, particularly if you are 35 plus. After all, this is the age when gene activity decreases and hormonal production slows down. In other words, if you don’t want to accelerate your hormonal background degradation, stop eating these foods in the morning. Why is that? Because they are known to be binding and the result is that some hormones are removed from our body, namely, thyroid and sexual hormones (testosterone and estrogens). Moreover, to boost the chronobiological synthesis of thyroid hormones and neurotransmitters (molecules responsible for brain efficiency), our body needs amino acids that are contained in proteins. That is why a proper anti-age program always includes a protein breakfast. It is best to leave cereals for lunch.
Trap 2: «Restrictive winter diets»

An insufficient use or a complete elimination of fats and proteins from your diet, especially in winter, results in a decrease in immunity, cell membranes thinning and the acceleration of aging processes. These deficits are typically demonstrated by a dry, thin and an increasingly wrinkled skin. In addition to these obvious symptoms, fat and protein deficiency not only degrades our hormonal background, but also results in an inadequate production of neurotransmitters leading to increased fatigue. It is important to be aware that all types of sugar are responsible for weight gain — whether desserts, sweet drinks, honey or alcohol — while fatty acids and proteins are really necessary for our body. For efficient weight control and a detox, one fasting day per week on a light vegetable soup or sipping a lemon ginger tea may be just what you need. This is particularly the thing to do after a holiday.
Trap 3: «Caution when moisturizing your skin»

Moisturizing your skin is most definitely very important for its balance. But if the outside temperature is below zero, do not apply a moisturizer in the morning. Use nutritious serums instead. For oily skin, a peptide complex skincare is recommended.
Trap 4: «Decreasing your physical activity»

Quite often in winter we slow down on our exercise and urgently have to catch up on it in early spring to get into shape for the summer. Exercising in winter, however, not only keeps you at a good weight, but also stimulates the production of the pleasure and happiness neurotransmitter, serotonin, and that of the other active molecules so necessary for the right brain activity. Interestingly, a serotonin deficiency also results in increased appetite and leads to morning fatigue and anxiety. Do remember though that your exercise is mostly beneficial as an afternoon or an evening practice. This is the time when our metabolic processes slow down — they are twice as slow compared to the morning hours.
It is therefore best to reserve your mornings for such exercise as yoga. This will stimulate your energy meridians (how energy flows through the body) and give you a positive charge for the whole day ahead.

FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS: what are good things to do in winter? In winter, special attention needs to be given to your neurotransmitter production responsible for good brain activity. A deficiency in these molecules inevitably results in increased fatigue and worsening of your mood. For those who work and travel a lot, we recommend a neurotransmitter recovery course to significantly reduce your fatigue levels. This is particularly important if you are 35 plus. This is the physiological age when gene activity slows down and hormonal production declines. Our centre in Monaco gives you the unique opportunity to follow your own individual course, with assistance in regulating hormones if necessary. We also offer special combined courses of quantum recovery for our clients. Quantum medicine offers exceptional opportunities to activate and optimize metabolic processes in our body. This method amplifies the effects of gene and hormonal regulation allowing for a faster result.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: our individual anti-aging, recovery, gene and hormonal regulation courses by BARANOVA MONACO are made in our MONACO centre ONLY. The list of our official partners is available on our website. Our only official and certified partner on the French Riviera, outside of Monaco, is Dr. Eric Oquinarena (38, rue Pastorelli, Nice).