Last year, 13,297 runners and walkers surpassed the distance between the Earth and the Moon, traveling 392,516 km.This year’s new challenge will be to head towards the stars! The 2017 Mission: travel 400,000 kms in 8 days! Number of passengers expected: 14,000!

Boarding dates: Saturday 11 November from 2 pm until Sunday 19 November, 4 pm.
Base and control center: Fontvieille Marquee, Monaco.
Trajectory: 1,400 m in the Fontvieille district.
Fuel: the only motivation for participants, who will need to combine athleticism and enthusiasm for the single goal of helping sick and disadvantaged children.
Technical assistance: 50 volunteers from Children & Future.

Since 1999, No Finish Line’s participants and number of kilometers traveled have continued to grow, making this race one of the most important charitable events in Monaco. Since 1999, the race has had 96,085 participants who have travelled 2,636,778 km and raised €2,797,303 for projects for children.
→The 1400 m circuit in the Fontvieille district, created in 2015 and improved last year, remains unchanged.
→Security measures introduced last year are identical: barrier-free circuit; 3 entrances / exits with security and bag searches (Chapiteau,Crèche, Roseraie).
→Participation / registration: open 24 hours a day on the circuit at the Fontvieille marquee (12 € for adults and 6 € for children under 10).
→Refuelling: permanently open on the circuit.
→Communication: New! A studio for reports and interviews, live 3 times a day on FaceBook.

No Finish Line is a great charity race and sports celebration whose exponential success is the result of 3 factors: accessible participation: running or walking on a circuit of 1400 m, open 24 hours a day during 8 days, for as many times and as many kilometers desired; mobilizing charitable projects with about 20 projects supported each year and transparent communication regarding the use of funds raised. All for the satisfaction of seeing smiles on the faces of children supported by the Children & Future association!
The 2017 mission will blast off in Fontvieille, Monaco from 11 to 19 November 2017.