To keep our spirits up during the quarantine and to make sure no one need to be bored the Mairie of Monaco is pointing us towards the many virtual pursuits that we can follow on social networks and the internet.
For the children, something that has been a natural fascination for generations is making treats in the kitchen; crêpes are always a favourite or perhaps for the more adventurous, a cake. Or how about just creating their own modelling clay made from flour and cornstarch, olive oil and water.
Then there are invariably egg cartons around in the kitchen. You-tubes on the Internet will show the kids how to convert them into their favourite characters. Some of the You-Tubes are excellent, very entertaining and quite educational at the same time – a storybook for example with an actor taking you page by page through a history adventure story.
More and more, Monaco’s best spots to visit are creating virtual tours of themselves. And the Jardin Exotique is no exception. By the time you have finished their virtual tour, no cactus will remain a mystery. Monaco’s media library is a font of information on virtual tours. So open your laptop and unlock the doors to museums and exhibitions around the world from the comfort of your own home.
Some of the best include:
- Florence Masterpieces. Staff at the Uffizi in Florence have curated special virtual exhibitions

- Vatican Museums are accessible online, including Sistine Chapel, Chiaramonti museum, New Wing, Pio Clementino Museum.
- Roam the Louvre in Paris. Discover virtual artworks from Delacroix, Rembrandt and Tintoretto. Delve into the Egyptian Antiquities exhibition.
- British Museum: On a virtual tour through the museum you will be able to see the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies as well as many other treasures of the British museum of London.
But let there be no coach potatoes during the quarantine – that’s the motto of Monaco’s coaches at the Hercules Fitness Club. Press ups, squats, or transform your body with burpees and planks!It’s all there. Burn those calories and become a lean, mean fighting machine.
Palace Métropole, Monaco
Imagine bathing yourself in luxury as one of the rich and famous. The team of the Métropole have not been asleep at the switch since closing temporarily on March 18th.
Chef Christophe Cussac has tasty recipes for you on-line, in particular mouth watering tasty stuffed vegetables « légumes farcis ». Then the hotel challenges the more artistic of the on-line visitors to colour the iconic images of the hotel. Try a Givenchy Spa relaxing face massage – just 5 minutes to drain that stress away. And finally a Metropole classic cocktail with bubbly – Champagne of course or a non-alcoholic masterpiece. Enjoy!