Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

8 events,

Winter Pop-Up: “The Perfect Chalet Illusion”

Exhibition: “The Butterfly Effect”

Exhibition of Francisco Tropa – Paesine in Villa Paloma

Art Xploration at Espace 22

The Lemon Festival in Menton

The Nice Carnival


Sea urchin Evening at the Condamine Market

11 events,

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas


Screening of Les bonnes femmes (Good women) in Théâtre des Variétés


Pauvre Bitos ! Ou le dîner de têtes (Poor Bitos! Or the dinner of heads) in Princess Grace Theatre


Opéra de Monte-Carlo: Das Rheingold

8 events,

11 events,


The Superhero Carnival

9 events,

Le monde selon 
Albert Einstein (The world according to Albert Einstein) in Theatre des Muses

12 events,

Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo (Spring Arts Festival)

Featured -

Opera: “Tristan and Isolde” Act II

6 events,

8 events,

6 events,


Lecture: “The Childhood of Humanity”

6 events,


“Art” in Princess Grace Theatre

7 events,




12 events,

International Women’s Day

Featured -

POWHER event


A basketball match for women’s rights: MBA vs Ambitions Girondines

7 events,

5 events,

7 events,


Film screening: “Hands over the City”


“Richard III” in Princess Grace Theatre

8 events,

Stand-up Comedy: “Les Sérénissimes de l’Humour”

Featured -

Stand-up comedy: “Philippe Lellouche”


Le Printemps des Arts (Spring Arts Festival): “Stockhausen”

9 events,

Featured -

Stand-up comedy: “Michel Boujenah”


Bordeaux Grand Wine Masterclass

9 events,

Happy Birthday to HSH Prince Albert II!


Opera: “Vespro della Beata Vergine”

10 events,

Featured -

Stand-up Comedy: “Bun Hay Mean”


Six Nations Rugby


Le Printemps des Arts: “Carte Blanche for the Conservatories”


Le Printemps des Arts: “Webern – Berg – Beethoven”

7 events,


Le Printemps des Arts: “Concert by Candlelight: Beethoven & Schönberg”

5 events,

6 events,


Film screening: “Ninotchka”

7 events,


Le Printemps des Arts: “Melodies by Debussy & Ravel”


Thursday Live Session: Francis of Delirium

8 events,

Gastronomic dinner at the Pavyllon Monte-Carlo

Happy Birthday to Alexandre Casiraghi!


Le Printemps des Arts: “Maresz – De Falla – Manoury”


Opera: “L’Heure espagnole & L’Enfant et les Sortilèges”

5 events,


Le Printemps des Arts: “Stravinsky – Bartók – Schönberg”

7 events,


Opera: “L’Heure espagnole & L’Enfant et les Sortilèges”


Le Printemps des Arts: “Debussy – Schönberg – Stravinsky”

4 events,

7 events,


Opera: “L’Heure espagnole & L’Enfant et les Sortilèges”

8 events,


The Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC)


Le Printemps des Arts: “Jolivet – Ravel – Cendo”


Opera: “L’Heure espagnole & L’Enfant et les Sortilèges”

6 events,


Le Printemps des Arts: “Jazz”

7 events,


Le Printemps des Arts: “Jazz”

8 events,

4 events,

5 events,


Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters
