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Exhibition: “Fragile Polar Worlds – Greg Lecoeur”

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Av. St-Martin . MC 98000, Monaco

Exhibition: "Fragile Polar Worlds - Greg Lecoeur" is held from Saturday 1 July 2023 to Tuesday 12 March 2024, in the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. From the floating sea ice […]

Exhibition: “The Prince and the Mediterranean”

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Av. St-Martin . MC 98000, Monaco

As part of commemorations marking the centenary of Princer Rainier III (1923-2023), the Oceanographic Museum presents its new permanent exhibition, "The Prince and the Mediterranean" from 6 December 2023. Visitors […]

Winter Program of the Spa Metropole by Givenchy

Hotel Metropole

Immerse yourself in the harmony of sound and energy for a resplendent start to the new year at Spa Metropole by Givenchy with UMAN PROJECT, which offers courses and treatments […]

€55 – €80

Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series (Act IV) & 40th Primo Cup

Monaco Bay Monaco

To close the winter season, the J/70s will meet for the last time in Act IV of Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series from Thursday 7 to Sunday 10 March 2024, in […]

International Meetings Monaco and the Mediterranean

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Av. St-Martin . MC 98000, Monaco

The 12th RIMM symposium has the themes "Mediterranean Gardens - The Time of Plenty - The Time of Virtue - The Time of the Marvellous" is held from Thursday 7 to […]


The “Polar Mission” exhibition at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Av. St-Martin . MC 98000, Monaco

The Oceanographic Museum’s new Polar Mission exhibition is currently open and taking visitors on an epic journey from the North pole to the South pole. The new exhibition kicked off […]


Exhibition – “Albert I – Prehistorian Prince”

Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology 56 bis, Boulevard du Jardin-Exotique, Monaco

Exhibition: "Albert I - Prehistorian Prince" is organized from February 2023 to April 5, 2024, from 9 am to 6 pm in Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology. Discover a different side […]

Exhibition: “A Prince, a Museum”

Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology 56 bis, Boulevard du Jardin-Exotique, Monaco

The Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology celebrates the vision of the current museum's founder, Prince Rainier III with the exhibition: “A Prince, a Museum” held from Friday 15 December 2023 […]


International Women’s Day

Espace Léo Ferré Les Terrasses de Fontvieille, 25 Avenue Albert II, Monaco

Come to the Espace Léo Ferré for International Women’s Rights Day, organized by the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women's Rights, on Friday March 8, 2024! Wishing tree, workshops, […]

Workshop: “Dried flowers bracelet”

Columbus Monte-Carlo 23 Avenue des Papalins, Monaco

Dried flower bracelet workshop with Maison Favélita on International Women’s Day, on Friday 8 March 2024, from 10 am to 11:30 am in Hotel Columbus Monte-Carlo! Guided by the expert, […]

International Women’s Day with the TechyGirls

A Casa d'i Soci Monaco

Come for a special evening devoted to women and technology, and discover the latest cutting edge creations of the TechyGirls and TechyBoys on Friday 8 March 2024, from 6.30 pm […]


The Art of the Cinema: “Under the Fig Trees”

Théâtre des Variétés 1, Boulevard Albert 1er , Monaco

Cinema and the Mediterranean: screening of "Under the Fig Trees", by Erige Sehiri (2022) on Friday 8 March 2024, at 8 pm in Théâtre des Variétés. This free-spirited, light-hearted look […]
