Open-air skating rink
Port of MonacoOpen-air skating rink from Friday 2 December to Sunday 26 February, Port de Monaco.
Open-air skating rink from Friday 2 December to Sunday 26 February, Port de Monaco.
Triennial Convention of the Group of French Installers is taking place on December 14-16, 2017 in the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco. European leader in installation and maintenance of professional kitchens.
The Galerie l'Entrepôt presents a series of 81 paintings of different sizes by the artist Antonella Fonzi. Sometimes colored, sometimes black, these paintings were created in the ink of China, as […]
Following the first part, entitled Démarche d'un poète (Approach of a poet, act) with reference to Jean Cocteau's key work, the second part (Act II) completes the introduction of this […]
The international exhibition "The Castle of Crossed Destinies" brings together the works of the writer Michel Hoellebecq, the American Rob Pruitt, the Japanese Shimabuku, the Norwegian Torbjørn Rødland as well […]
Michel Blazy exhibition from Saturday 16 December to Sunday 18 March from 10 am to 6 pm Nouveau Musée National - Villa Sauber. The NMNM presents at the Villa Sauber […]
H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco's Collection of Cars: Exhibition of Bugatti cars from Monday 18 December to Saturday 10 March, from 10 am to 5.30 pm.
Musical Happy Hour Series: chamber music concert with Peter Szüts and Katalin Szüts-Lukacs, violins, François Méreaux, viola, Thierry Amadi, cello, Thierry Vera, double bass, Patrick Peignier and Laurent Beth, horns […]
All the Art of Cinema - screening of the film "Rendez-vous de Juillet" by Jacques Becker, organized by the Audiovisual Archives of Monaco on Tuesday, January 9th, at 8:30 pm […]